Access to Vaccine
Bio Farma is deeply committed towards improving healthcare services and disease prevention under the Access to Vaccine & Healthcare Program carried out domestically and abroad. The program is aimed to open healthcare access to those in remote areas and to those that need healthcare facilities and vaccination. Improved access to vaccination and healthcare aims to provide extensive vaccination, health education, improve nutrition for infants and children, and open vaccination and tourist community health centers.

Ease for The Community
The program is aimed to open healthcare access to those in remote areas and to those that need healthcare facilities and vaccination.
Improved access to vaccination and healthcare aims to provide extensive vaccination, health education, improve nutrition for infants and children, and open vaccination and tourist community health centers.

The management commitment and responsibility of Bio Farma in supporting access to vaccines is cooperating with other institutions, for example synergizing with universities, provincial governments and international institutions.

Bio Farma is committed to engaging with policy makers and the general public about matters affecting access to vaccination. That is by providing product knowledge training, new vaccine research, clinical meetings, distributor meeting and national immunization meetings.

Bio Farma is committed to pricing policies, supply chains and registration. Vaccine products produced are high quality and affordable for developing countries. Bio Farma also guarantees the safety, quality and efficacy of a product.

Bio Farma is committed to prioritizing research and development of new vaccines aimed at diseases that have the highest priority in developing countries.

The vaccine product produced is now a generic product to meet the needs and facilitate access to medicines, and Bio Farma's products have obtained an international license in the form of WHO's Pre-Qualification (PQ) certification.

Bio Farma has been appointed as a Center of Excellence for the development and distribution of vaccines, both in developing countries and Islamic countries with the expertise and experience of Bio Farma so that it is trusted to transfer technology to vaccine products for developing countries and Islamic countries.

Bio Farma has conducted Philanthropy activities according to the needs of the community, both around the company, regionally, nationally and internationally. Example:
- Free vaccination
- Improving the quality of clean water
- Nutrition Improvement Hospital
- Healthy cars and Bio Farma ambulance
Access to Communication
- Email
- Facebook
- Twitter @biofarmaID dan @lifeatbiofarmaid
Bio Farma is committed to improving services to public health and treatment through the Access to Medicine & Healthcare program both domestically and abroad.
Provision and distribution could contact
- Jalan Pasteur No.28
- Bandung West Java Indonesia 40161
Quality Assurance & Monitoring
Bio Farma consistently and continuously conducts quality control and assurance by implementing Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP), Good Laboratory Practices (GLP), Good Regulatory Practices (GRP), Good Clinical Practices (GCP), Good Distribution Practices (GDP), ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. These quality control and assurance procedures are closely monitored by the National Control Authority (NCA) recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO), or in Indonesia known as the Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM).

With the characteristics of the Vaccine Industry that is "High Regulated and High Risk" requires continuous efforts to improve services to consumers. Bio Farma carries out various quality control (QC) procedures and ensures quality assurance consistently and continuously. Quality control and quality assurance are monitored closely continuously by the National Regulatory Authority (NRA) which is recognized by WHO or in Indonesia known as the Drug and Food Control Agency (BPOM).
Vaccine manufacturing through a series of processes that are quite long by obeying aspects of the Clinical lots procedure, Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP), Quality Control (QC) and Quality Service (QS). Before entering the stage of commercial production, three stages of strict clinical trials were carried out. Therefore, before vaccine products are marketed, regulations and ethics regarding the health and safety impacts of vaccine products have been fulfilled. The Company's policy on consumers is stated in the Code of Business Conduct, which provides products and services that are of high quality and safe in their use, provide good services and are fair and without favoritism to consumers / customers and promote products properly and correctly. Bio Farma has never violated the rules for marketing communications through advertising, promotion or sponsorship. Bio Farma's largest market segmentation in the country is the Ministry of Health, which is a buyer of vaccine products to be distributed through the Health Office in 34 provinces in Indonesia. In addition Bio Farma also provides direct immunization services for individuals at the immunization center located in the company's environment, as well as immunization services to company employees through a mechanism of cooperation with several institutions / companies (private sector).
The term pharmacovigilance is a relatively new term in the world of health, especially for drug-related products. Pharmacovigilance is a reference and ethics for the use of drugs that are present in the medical field. As with drugs, in the field of vaccinology there is pharmacovigilance with special procedures related to vaccines.