3 Langkah Penting rencana aksi vaksin global (GVAP)
GVAP telah merekomendasikan 3 langkah penting untuk mengakhiri kesenjangan imunisasi :
- Mengintegrasikan imunisasi dengan pelayanan kesehatan lainnya, seperti perawatan post natal bagi ibu dan bayi;
- Memperkuat sistem kesehatan sehingga vaksin terus diberikan bahkan di saat krisis; dan
- Memastikan bahwa setiap orang mendapatkan akses vaksin dan terjangkau untuk mereka.
Dr Jean-Marie Okwo-Bele, Direktur Imunisasi, Vaksin dan Biologi di WHO, mengatakan bahwa WHO akan bekerja untuk meningkatkan dukungan kepada semua negara yang tertinggal dalam memenuhi target imunisasi. Pada bulan Mei tahun ini, WHO akan mempertemukan perwakilan tingkat tinggi dari 34 negara dengan vaksinasi rutin (tiga dosis DTP3) yang cakupannya kurang dari 80% untuk mendiskusikan tantangan yang dihadapi oleh negara dan untuk mengeksplorasi solusi dalam mengatasi hal tersebut. Tindakan kritis yang diperlukan untuk menjamin vaksinasi yang lebih luas dan tersampaikan ke tujuan termasuk :
- Menemukan cari untuk menyederhanakan prosedur pemberian vaksin di lapangan
- Meningkatkan distribusi vaksinasi agar menjangkau untuk setiap anak, khususnya yang di daerah yang bahkan sulit dijangkau
- Meyakinkah bahwa vaksin terjangkau dan meningkatkan rantai penyediaan vaksin
- Memberikan pelatihan bagi petugas kesehatan, manager yang terlatih untuk memberikan dukungan supervisi
- Meningkatkan kualitas dalam mengumpulkan data cakupan imunisasi di setiap negara
- Menangai kendala akibat konflik, bencana alam dan krisis lainnya
- Meningkatkan kesadaran dan kebutuhan terhadap imunisasi dari masyrarkat
- Mengembangkan akuntabilitis dair perencanaan mikro terhadap pelaksanan vaksinasi untuk dapat dipertanggung jawabkan.
Awal tahun ini, negara-negara donor dan lembaga berjanji untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pendanaan dari Gavi, Vaksin Alliance yang menyatukan sektor publik dan swasta untuk menciptakan akses yang sama terhadap vaksin baru dan kurang dimanfaatkan untuk anak-anak yang tinggal di negara-negara termiskin di dunia. *Sumber : http://www.who.int/campaigns/immunization-week/2015/ Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, Anda dapat menghubungi: N Nurlaela Head of Corporate Communications Department. PT Bio Farma (Persero) Jl. Pasteur No. 28 Bandung – 40161 Indonesia Phone : +62 22 2033755 ext. 37431 Fax : +62 22 2041306 Email : mail@biofarma.co.id Web : www.biofarma.co.id Twitter | Instagram | Youtube : @biofarmaID
GVAP has recommended three necessary steps to end the immunization gap:
- Integrating immunization with other health services, such as post-natal care for mothers and infants;
- Strengthening health systems so that vaccines continue to be provided even in times of crisis; and
- Ensure that everyone receives access to vaccines and affordable to them.
Dr Jean-Marie Okwo-Bele, Director of Immunization, Vaccines and Biological at WHO, stated that WHO will work to increase support to all countries that fall behind in meeting the target of immunization. In May this year, WHO will bring together high-level representatives from 34 countries with a routine vaccination (three doses of DTP3) of which the scope is less than 80% to discuss the challenges faced by the countries and to explore solutions to address such matters. Critical actions necessary to ensure an expanded vaccination and delivered to its destinations including:
- Discovering methods to simplify procedures of onsite vaccine administration
- Improving the distribution of vaccinations in order to reach out to every child, especially those in areas that are difficult to reach
- Ensure that vaccines are affordable and increase vaccine supply chain
- Provide training for health workers, managers who are trained to provide supportive supervision
- Improving the quality of immunization coverage data collection in each country
- Manage constraints due to conflicts, natural disasters and other crises
- Increase awareness and demand for immunization of the society
- Develop accountability of micro planning over the implementation of vaccination to be accountable.
Earlier this year, donor countries and institutions pledged to meet the funding needs of Gavi, Vaccine Alliance, which brings together public and private sector to create equal access to new and underused vaccines to children living in the poorest countries in the world , * Source: http://www.who.int/campaigns/immunization-week/2015/ 6 Targets of Global Vaccine Action Plan The Global Vaccine Action Plan targets everyone to live free from diseases that can be prevented with a vaccine in 2020. The six targets set for 2015:
- 1. Immunization against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough (DTP3)
Target: 90% immunization coverage against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough in 2015. GAP: 65 countries
- 2. Introduction of underused vaccines
Target: At least 90 countries with low or middle income have introduce one or more underused vaccines in 2015.
- 3. Eradication of Polio:
Target: No new cases after 2014 GAP: 3 countries polio endemic
- 4. Tetanus Mother and infant: global elimination by the end of 2015
Target: Eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus GAP: 24 countries
- 5. Measles:
Target: Eliminate from three WHO regions by the end of 2015 GAP: 16% of all children are not immunized against measles
- 6. Elimination of Rubella:
Target: Eliminate rubella from two WHO regions by the end of 2015 GAP: Half of all children have not received rubella vaccine * Source: http://www.who.int/campaigns/immunization-week/2015/