50th Delivery of Covid-19 Vaccine Arrives at Bio Farma: Covid-19 Vaccine Supply is Safe Covid-19 Vaccine Distribution Continues
Bio Farma vaccine storage officer, transferred five million doses of CoronaVac 2 ds vaccine to a special storage facility, with a temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius at Bio Farma (6/9). The vaccine received from Sinovac in the form of a finish product, is the 50th shipment, then it will wait for the process of giving and taking samples from the POM, before being distributed to 34 provinces according to the directives from the Ministry of Health, (Photo: Andzar | Corcom Bio Farma).
(Bandung 7/9) Bio Farma received CoronaVac 2 dose vaccine from Sinovac, in the finished product for the sixth time , as many as five million doses. The delivery of CoronaVac 2 doses is a continuation of the delivery of a total of 50 million doses, which will be received by Bio Farma, in the period August - September 2021.The arrival of the CoronaVac 2ds vaccine is the 50th arrival since 10 months ago in December 2020. This 50th arrival is a clear proof of the seriousness of the Indonesian government in ensuring the availability of vaccine stocks to meet the needs of the Covid-19 vaccine in Indonesia. Indonesia. This was conveyed by the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Airlangga Hartarto in a virtual press statement upon the arrival of the CoronaVac vaccine on (6/9) at 13:00.
"The vaccine in the finished form from CoronaVac, has received 33 million doses, (the first three million, received in December 2020 which were used for health workers), while the Sinovac vaccine in bulk form was received as many as 153.9 million, AstraZeneca as much as 19.5 million doses, Moderna eight million doses, Pfizer 2.75 million doses, Sinopharm 8.25 million doses,” said Airlangga.
He added, in total, Indonesia has secured a total of 225.4 million doses of Covid-19 vaccines from various brands, both in bulk form and in the form of finished products. With the arrival of the 2-dose CoronaVac vaccine today (6/9), it is certain that the supply of Covid-19 vaccine is safe.
Airlangga emphasized that people should not hesitate to receive vaccines, because all vaccine brands are efficacious to protect the community, and the best vaccine is the vaccine currently available.
On another occasion, the Corporate Secretary and Spokesperson for Bio Farma, Bambang Heriyanto said, the 2-dose CoronaVac vaccine received today at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, will soon pass the quarantine and sampling process before getting a lot release from the POM Agency for distribution to other countries. 34 provinces in Indonesia.
"From the supply of Covid-19 vaccines which has reached 225.4 million doses, Bio Farma has distributed Covid-19 vaccines since January - until the first week of September as many as 141.4 million doses, consisting of; CoronaVac 1 dose, three million doses, Bio Farma Covid-19 93.06 million doses, AstraZeneca (Covax, B2B and Grants) 16.8 million doses, Moderna 7.6 million doses, CoronaVac 2 20.4 million doses and Sinopharm (grant) of 499.9 thousand doses,” said Bambang.
The remaining stock at Bio Farma itself as of September 5, 2021 is 14.9 million doses, which will be distributed immediately after receiving a request from the Indonesian Ministry of Health. It is estimated that in September 2021, Indonesia will receive an additional 16.5 million vaccine stocks for Bio Farma's Covid-19 vaccine, which will be processed by fill and finish at Bio Farma's production facilities.
In September 2021, Indonesia will receive additional 2 doses of CoronaVac vaccine in the form of a finish product of 25 million doses of vaccine, as well as additional vaccines from the Covax/Gavi multilateral scheme, bilateral and other bilateral donations, so that the total availability of vaccine stocks in Indonesia is estimated. Indonesia's supply in September is expected to reach more than 70 million doses. (ed)