Bangganya Jadi Perusahaan Ramah Lingkungan
[:id]As told by the President Director of PT Bio Farma (Persero), Iskandar, when they received Proper Emas which was directly given by the Vice President, Jusuf Kalla, in the end of 2014. He said that in running a business, a company should also promote harmony in the continuous development of the economic, social, and environmental aspects. “Green Culture has become our core competency and employees’ culture. Since its establishment in 1890 until today, Bio Farma focuses in the procurement of quality vaccines to fulfill the national and international needs with affordable price. In line with the company’s philosophy, which is dedicated to improve quality of life, Bio Farma is committed to promote harmony in the continuous development of the economic, social, and environmental aspects,“ he said. For Iskandar, Bio Farma is highly committed to perform sustainable improvement in the entire operational activities by identifying and using various opportunities. Thus, he said that the quality of the maintenance performance will keep increasing and achieving higher standard compared to the established one. It is also an actual realization to become a sustainable green industry with global competitiveness. As known, Bio Farma is a company that has received an award of the Program Penilaian Peringkat Perusahaan Kerja (Proper) Emas, which is routinely held by the Minister of Environment and Forestry for the infrastructure manufacturing service sector. The award is given by the Vice President, Jusuf Kalla, to the President Director of Bio Farma, Iskandar, on December 2, 2014, in the Manggala Wanabakti Auditorium of the Minister of Environment and Forestry. Proper Emas is the highest award in the environmental area which shows that the company has applied a comprehensive and continuous environmental maintenance system. Government’s Support Program Penilaian Peringkat Kinerja Perusahaan (Proper) is one of the superior program of Wanabakti Minister of Environment and Forestry in the form of monitoring and development of the company’s in charge or activities in the event of the control of pollution and damage to the environment as well as the management of B3 waste of Hazardous and Toxic Material. The Proper Award which has been running for 20 years aims to encourage the company to comply and achieve the environmental excellence. It can be judged based on the compliance with the provisions of the environmental permit, air pollution control, B3 waste management, and environmental damage control. The Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya, said that Proper, which has been running for 20 years, has become an important asset as there are lots of experiences and learning to develop the compliance to regulation, efficient usage of natural resources, ethical business practice, and reducing the gap of welfare through the community empowerment program. “Proper has grown into a learning organization which will promote new ideas and facilitate synergic continuous learning process for all stakeholders,” she said. As time goes by, the infrastructure of Proper develops, which can be identified through the increase of more than 10 times the number of companies that are being monitored from 187 to 1,908 companies. Proper’s rating starts from the integrated implementation of continuous development principles in production and service process, the implementation of environmental management system, 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), energy efficiency, natural resources conservation, and ethical business implementation, as well as the corporate social responsibility which is done through the community development program. Karliansyah, Deputy II of Minister of Environment and Forestry in the Control of Pollution Area, stated that in Proper 2014, there were 9 companies that achieve the Golden rate, 121 companies in the Green rate, 1,224 companies in the Blue rate, and 516 companies in the Red category, as well as 21 companies in Black category. Companies that are listed in the Golden rate consist of, among others, PT Badan NGL Kota Bontang Kalimantan Timur, PT Bukit Asam Tbk. Kabupaten Muara Enim Sumatera Selatan, PT Bio Farma Kota Bandung Jawa Barat, and PT Pertamina Aviasi Regional III DPPU Ngurah Rai Kabupaten Badung Bali. According to Karliansyah, the companies that achieved the Golden award in 2014 decreased from the previous year, which are from 12 to 9. However, the number of environmentally friendly companies increased as there are more companies in the Green and Blue rate. The decrease in the number of the companies that achieved the Golden Award happened because the grade was passed by other companies. “From the 17 nominees in the Golden Award, only 9 were selected,” he explained. Regarding the companies that are listed in the black category, Karliansyah stated that the cases had been handed over to the legal domain. “The companies will be corrected. For those that do not have the improvement of waste management quality, it should be improved. The same thing is also valid for the smokestacks management. They should be forced to install it,” he said. If not, then they will be sued in criminal or civil realm. He added that the company’s compliance in 2014 increased by 4% compared to the previous year. In 2014, the company’s compliance reached 72%. The number of Proper participating companies also increased by 6% compared to the previous year. Karliansyah said that the increase in number of Proper participating companies in 2014 occurred due to the requirements of creditor bank which obligated the company to obtain Proper recommendation as well as the facilitation of export for companies who obtain Proper. Furthermore, Karliansyah said that the companies which hold Proper in the category of Golden, Blue, and Green will get a trophy as their portfolio, the image improvement for the public and their trading partners. “The companies will receive facilitation in banking affairs. Bank Indonesia has instructed all banks in Indonesia to provide facilitation to the companies that have received good predicate in Proper.” Meanwhile, for the Red category, their image to the public and bank will be bad. The Red companies need to be developed. If they rejected it, they can be categorized as Black. Source : Media Indonesia[:en]As told by the President Director of PT Bio Farma (Persero), Iskandar, when they received Proper Emas which was directly given by the Vice President, Jusuf Kalla, in the end of 2014. He said that in running a business, a company should also promote harmony in the continuous development of the economic, social, and environmental aspects. “Green Culture has become our core competency and employees’ culture. Since its establishment in 1890 until today, Bio Farma focuses in the procurement of quality vaccines to fulfill the national and international needs with affordable price. In line with the company’s philosophy, which is dedicated to improve quality of life, Bio Farma is committed to promote harmony in the continuous development of the economic, social, and environmental aspects,“ he said. For Iskandar, Bio Farma is highly committed to perform sustainable improvement in the entire operational activities by identifying and using various opportunities. Thus, he said that the quality of the maintenance performance will keep increasing and achieving higher standard compared to the established one. It is also an actual realization to become a sustainable green industry with global competitiveness. As known, Bio Farma is a company that has received an award of the Program Penilaian Peringkat Perusahaan Kerja (Proper) Emas, which is routinely held by the Minister of Environment and Forestry for the infrastructure manufacturing service sector. The award is given by the Vice President, Jusuf Kalla, to the President Director of Bio Farma, Iskandar, on December 2, 2014, in the Manggala Wanabakti Auditorium of the Minister of Environment and Forestry. Proper Emas is the highest award in the environmental area which shows that the company has applied a comprehensive and continuous environmental maintenance system. Government’s Support Program Penilaian Peringkat Kinerja Perusahaan (Proper) is one of the superior program of Wanabakti Minister of Environment and Forestry in the form of monitoring and development of the company’s in charge or activities in the event of the control of pollution and damage to the environment as well as the management of B3 waste of Hazardous and Toxic Material. The Proper Award which has been running for 20 years aims to encourage the company to comply and achieve the environmental excellence. It can be judged based on the compliance with the provisions of the environmental permit, air pollution control, B3 waste management, and environmental damage control. The Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya, said that Proper, which has been running for 20 years, has become an important asset as there are lots of experiences and learning to develop the compliance to regulation, efficient usage of natural resources, ethical business practice, and reducing the gap of welfare through the community empowerment program. “Proper has grown into a learning organization which will promote new ideas and facilitate synergic continuous learning process for all stakeholders,” she said. As time goes by, the infrastructure of Proper develops, which can be identified through the increase of more than 10 times the number of companies that are being monitored from 187 to 1,908 companies. Proper’s rating starts from the integrated implementation of continuous development principles in production and service process, the implementation of environmental management system, 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), energy efficiency, natural resources conservation, and ethical business implementation, as well as the corporate social responsibility which is done through the community development program. Karliansyah, Deputy II of Minister of Environment and Forestry in the Control of Pollution Area, stated that in Proper 2014, there were 9 companies that achieve the Golden rate, 121 companies in the Green rate, 1,224 companies in the Blue rate, and 516 companies in the Red category, as well as 21 companies in Black category. Companies that are listed in the Golden rate consist of, among others, PT Badan NGL Kota Bontang Kalimantan Timur, PT Bukit Asam Tbk. Kabupaten Muara Enim Sumatera Selatan, PT Bio Farma Kota Bandung Jawa Barat, and PT Pertamina Aviasi Regional III DPPU Ngurah Rai Kabupaten Badung Bali. According to Karliansyah, the companies that achieved the Golden award in 2014 decreased from the previous year, which are from 12 to 9. However, the number of environmentally friendly companies increased as there are more companies in the Green and Blue rate. The decrease in the number of the companies that achieved the Golden Award happened because the grade was passed by other companies. “From the 17 nominees in the Golden Award, only 9 were selected,” he explained. Regarding the companies that are listed in the black category, Karliansyah stated that the cases had been handed over to the legal domain. “The companies will be corrected. For those that do not have the improvement of waste management quality, it should be improved. The same thing is also valid for the smokestacks management. They should be forced to install it,” he said. If not, then they will be sued in criminal or civil realm. He added that the company’s compliance in 2014 increased by 4% compared to the previous year. In 2014, the company’s compliance reached 72%. The number of Proper participating companies also increased by 6% compared to the previous year. Karliansyah said that the increase in number of Proper participating companies in 2014 occurred due to the requirements of creditor bank which obligated the company to obtain Proper recommendation as well as the facilitation of export for companies who obtain Proper. Furthermore, Karliansyah said that the companies which hold Proper in the category of Golden, Blue, and Green will get a trophy as their portfolio, the image improvement for the public and their trading partners. “The companies will receive facilitation in banking affairs. Bank Indonesia has instructed all banks in Indonesia to provide facilitation to the companies that have received good predicate in Proper.” Meanwhile, for the Red category, their image to the public and bank will be bad. The Red companies need to be developed. If they rejected it, they can be categorized as Black. Source : Media Indonesia[:ID]Seperti dituturkan Direktur Utama PT Bio Farma (Persero), Iskandar, saat menerima Proper Emas yang diserahkan langsung oleh Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla akhir 2014 lalu. Dia mengatakan dalam menjalankan roda bisnis, perusahaan harus pula mengedepankan keselarasan dalam pengembangan keberlanjutan dalam aspek ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan. “Green Culture telah menjadi core competency dan budaya karyawan kami. Sejak awal berdiri pada tahun 1890, sampai sekarang, Bio Farma fokus pada penyediaan vaksin berkualitas tinggi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nasional dan internasional dengan harga terjangkau. Seiring dengan filosofi perusahaan yaitu dedicated to improve quality of life, Bio Farma berkomitmen untuk mengedepankan keselarasan dalam pengembangan keberlanjutan dalam aspek ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan,” ucapnya. Bagi Iskandar, Bio Farma berkomitmen tinggi untuk melaksanakan perbaikan berkesinambungan dalam seluruh kegiatan operasional dengan mengidentifikasi dan memanfaatkan berbagai peluang untuk melakukan improvement dalam kegiatan operasional. Sehingga, katanya, kualitas kinerja pengelolaan akan terus meningkat dan mencapai standard yang lebih tinggi daripada standard yang diwajibkan. Hal tersebut salah satu wujud nyata untuk menjadi sustainable green industry yang berdaya saing global. Seperti diketahui, Bio Farma merupakan perusahaan yang menyabet penghargaan Program Penilaian Peringkat Kinerja Perusahaan (Proper) Emas, yang rutin digelar oleh Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan untuk sektor manufaktur prasarana dan jasa. Penghargaan diserahkan oleh Wakil Presiden R Jusuf Kalla kepada Direktur Utama Bio Farma, Iskandar, pada 2 Desember 2014 di Auditorium Manggala Wanabakti Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan. Proper Emas merupakan penghargaan tertinggi dalam bidang lingkungan yang bermakna bahwa suatu perusahaan sudah menerapkan pengelolaan lingkungan secara menyeluruh dan berkelanjutan. Dorongan Pemerintah Program Penilaian Peringkat Kinerja Perusahaan (Proper) merupakan salah satu program unggulan Wanabakti Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan berupa kegiatan pengawasan dan pembinaan terhadap penanggungjawab usaha atau kegiatan di bidang pengendalian pencemaran dan atau kerusakan lingkungan hidup serta pengelolaan limbah B3 atau Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun. Penghargaan Proper yang telah berjalan selama 20 tahun ini bertujuan untuk mendorong perusahaan untuk taat dan mencapai keunggulan lingkungan (enviromental excellency). Hal ini dinilai dari pemenuhan ketentuan dalam izin lingkungan, pengendalian pencemaran udara, pengelolaan limbah B3, dan pengendalian kerusakan lingkungan. Menteri Lingkungan hidup dan Kehutanan, Siti Nurbaya, mengatakan Proper yang telah berjalan selama 20 tahun ini menjadi aset yang penting karena banyak pengalaman dan pembelajaran untuk membangun nilai-nilai ketaatan terhadap peraturan, penggunaan sumber daya alam yang efisien, praktek bisinis yang beretika dan mengurangi kesenjangan kesejahteraan dengan program pemberdayaan masyarakat. “Proper telah tumbuh menjadi organisasi pembelajaran yang akan mendorong pemikiran-pemikiran baru dan memfasilitasi proses belajar terus menerus secara sinergis bagi para pemangku kepentingan,” katanya. Seiring perjalanan waktu, infrastruktur Proper berkembang, ditandai peningkatan lebih dari 10 kali lipat dari jumlah perusahaan yang diawasi dari 187 menjadi 1.908 perusahaan. Penilaian Proper dimulai dari penerapan integrasi prinsip-prinsip pembangunan berkelanjutan dalam proses produksi dan jasa, penerapan sistem manajemen lingkungan, 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), efisiensi energi, konservasi sumber daya dan pelaksanaan bisnis yang beretika serta bertanggung jawab terhadap masyarakat melalui program pengembangan masyarakat. Karliansyah, Deputi II Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Bidang Pengendalian Pencemaran menyebutkan pada Proper 2014 ini, sebanyak 9 perusahaan mendapatkan peringkat Emas, 121 berperingkat Hijau, 1.224 berperingkat Biru, dan 516 berperingkat Merah, serta 21 masuk kategori Hitam. Perusahaan berperingkat Emas antara lain PT Badan NGL Kota Bontang Kalimantan Timur, PT Bukit Asam Tbk. Kabupaten Muara Enim Sumatera Selatan, PT Bio Farma Kota Bandung Jawa Barat, dan PT Pertamina Aviasi Regional III DPPU Ngurah Rai Kabupaten Badung Bali. Menurut Karliansyah, perusahaan yang meraih Emas pada 2014 berkurang dari tahun sebelumnya, yaitu dari 12 menjadi 9. Meskipun demikian, perusahan yang taat lingkungan meningkat jumlahnya mengingat bertambahnya perusahaan yang menyabet peringkat Hijau dan Biru. Pengurangan jumlah peraih peringkat emas karena nilai yang disalip perusahaan lain. “Dari 17 calon peraih peringkat emas hanya 9 yang terpilih,” ungkapnya. Mengenai perusahaan berperingkat hitam, Karliansyah menyebutkan sudah diserahkan ke ranah hukum. “Perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut akan diperbaiki, yang belum memiliki peningkatan mutu pengelolaan limbah harus diperbaiki. Begitu juga dengan pengelolaan cerobong asap, mereka dipaksa untuk instalisasi,” katanya. Jika tidak, mereka akan diperkarakan pada ranah pidana atau perdata. Dia menambahkan tingkat ketaatan perusahaan pada 2014 naik 4% dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya. Pada 2014, ketaatan perusahaan mencapai 72%. Jumlah perusahaan peserta Proper pun turut mengalami peningkatan sebesar 6% dibandingkan dengan sebelumnya. Karliansyah mengungkapkan peningkatan jumlah peserta Proper tahun 2014 antara lain karena adanya syarat dari bank pemberi kredit yang mengharuskan perusahaan memiliki rekomendasi Proper serta kemudahan ekspor bagi perusahaan yang mengantongi Proper. Menurut Karliansyah, perusahaan pemegang Proper Emas, Biru, dan Hijau akan mendapatkan trofi sebagai portofolio, peningkatan citra di masyarakat dan mitra dagang mereka. “Perusahaan mendapatkan kemudahan dalam urusan dengan bank. Bank Indonesia telah menginstruksikan kepada bank-bank di seluruh Indonesia untuk memberi kemudahan pada perusahaan yang mendapat predikat baik di Proper.” Sementara itu, bagi peringkat Merah akan mendapat ganjaran citra buruk dari masyarakat dan bank. Perusahaan Merah akan dibina. Jika menolak bisa masuk peringkat Hitam. Sumber : Media Indonesia [:]