Bio Farma dipercaya Menjadi Presiden Asosiasi Produsen Vaksin Negara Berkembang
Pada 27-29 Oktober 2014 telah berlangsung pertemuan tahunan ke-15, Asosiasi Produsen Vaksin Negara Berkembang atau 15th Annual General Meeting DCVMN (Developing Countries Vaccine Manufacturers Network) di New Delhi, India. Kegiatan yang diadakan rutin setiap satu tahun sekali ini menambah kepercayaan dunia terhadap Indonesia, dengan dipercaya kembali Mahendra Suhardono, Direktur Pemasaran Bio Farma menjadi Presiden DCVMN periode 2014-2016. Pertemuan DCVMN ke-15 tersebut dihadiri oleh anggota, 42 produsen vaksin negara berkembang yang tersebar di 16 negara, juga organisasi kesehatan global seperti WHO, UNICEF, GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccine Initiative), BMGF (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation). Menurut Mahendra Suhardono, Presiden DCVMN, tahun ini kami berkomitmen untuk mendukung program agar semakin banyak vaksin yang diproduksi di negara berkembang, dengan kualitas yang baik (memenuhi standard WHO) dan dengan harga yang terjangkau (affordable). DCVMN juga mendorong produsen vaksin untuk menjaga dan mengamankan pasokan vaksin untuk kebutuhan global, khususnya vaksin-vaksin yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh negara berkembang. Negara-negara berkembang yang memiliki populasi besar harus mempersiapkan diri dalam menghadapi munculnya penyakit-penyakit baru, untuk itu DCVMN memprioritaskan pengembangan vaksin-vaksin baru antara lain Vaksin Pentavalent /Hexavalent, Pneumococcal Conjugate, Rotavirus, Typhoid Conjugate, Human Papilloma, Campak / Rubella dan Inactivated Polio Vaksin. Global Health Security Iskandar, Direktur Utama Bio Farma menambahkan, “bahwa Manajemen Bio Farma sangat bangga dengan terpilihnya kembali Mahendra Suhardono menjadi Presiden DCVMN untuk periode kedua, dengan pemilihan kandidat yang cukup ketat dari perwakilan produsen vaksin berbagai negara seperti Brazil, China, India, South Africa. Akhirnya Kepercayaan dunia kembali ke Indonesia, apalagi awalnya DCVMN dibentuk di Bandung. Dengan kepercayaan tersebut, mendorong kami untuk terus berinovasi terhadap penanganan perkembangan pola penyakit baru yang selalu muncul. Kewajiban untuk memberantas penyakit menular, bukan hanya kewajiban di satu negara, sehingga sesama anggota DCVMN saling melengkapi untuk menjaga ketersediaan dan pasokan vaksin, mengingat kebutuhannya cukup besar, kapasitas kebutuhan vaksin belum dapat dipenuhi oleh satu perusahaan, anggota DCVMN perlu saling mendukung untuk penyediaan vaksin untuk Global Health Security”. Informasi Negara Anggota DCVMN : Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, People’s Republic of China, Republic of Korea, Romania, South Africa, Thailand, Vietnam, South Korea, Iran
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, Anda dapat menghubungi : N. Nurlaela Kepala Bagian Corporate Communications PT Bio Farma (Persero) Telp : 022 203 3755 Fax : 022 204 1306 E-mail :
On 27th – 29th October 2014 the 15th annual meeting has taken place, Developing Countries Vaccine Manufacturers Association or the 15th Annual General Meeting DCVMN (Developing Countries Vaccine Manufacturers Network) in New Delhi, India. The Activity that is held regularly once a year adds credence of the world to Indonesia, with the trust given to Mahendra Suhardono, the Marketing Director of Bio Farma to become the President of DCVMN period 2014-2016. The DCVMN 15th meeting was attended by members, 42 developing country vaccine manufacturers in 16 countries, as well as global health organizations such as WHO, UNICEF, GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccine Initiative), BMGF (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation). According to Mahendra Suhardono, the President of DCVMN, this year we are committed to support the program so that more vaccines are produced in developing countries, with good quality (compliance with WHO standards) and at an affordable price. DCVMN also encourage vaccine manufacturers to safeguard and secure the supply of vaccines for global needs, especially vaccines that are needed by developing countries. Developing countries with large populations should prepare for the emergence of new diseases, therefore DCVMN prioritize the development of new vaccines including Pentavalent/Hexavalent, Pneumococcal Conjugate, Rotavirus, Typhoid Conjugate, Human Papilloma, Campak / Rubella dan Inactivated Polio Vaccines. Global Health Security Iskandar, Director of Bio Farma added, "that the Management of Bio Farma is very proud of the re-election of Mahendra Suhardono as the President of DCVMN for the second period, with the tight selection of candidates from vaccine manufacturers representatives of various countries such as Brazil, China, India, South Africa. The trust finally returned to Indonesia, especially that DCVMN was initially formed in Bandung. With such trust, encourage us to continue to innovate on the handling of the development of new disease patterns that always arise. The obligation to combat infectious diseases, are not only the obligation of one country, so that fellow members of DCVMN shall complement each other to maintain the availability and supply of vaccines, given the need for it, is large, the capacity of vaccine needs can not be met by a single company, members of DCVMN need to support each other for the provision of vaccines for Global Health Security ". Information of Countries of DCVMN Member : Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, People's Republic of China, Republic of Korea, Romania, South Africa, Thailand, Vietnam, South Korea, Iran For next information, please contact : N. Nurlaela Kepala Bagian Corporate Communications PT Bio Farma (Persero) Telp : 022 203 3755 Fax : 022 204 1306 E-mail :