Bio Farma Dorong Kemandirian Vaksin Dalam Negeri
Nusa Dua – The State Owned Enterprise, PT Bio Farma, continue to encourage the existence of domestic vaccine independence. Marketing Director of Bio Farma Mahendra Suhardono said, to meet the needs of vaccine in Indonesia, Bio Farma is currently developing a typhoid vaccine.
"We hope in the near future the vaccine can benefit the people of Indonesia," said Mahendra, in Nusa Dua, Friday (1/5).
Bio Farma cooperated with various parties, in this case, including technology transfer from Sabin Vaccine Institute and co-operation with Korea. With the fulfillment of domestic vaccine, Mahendra added, Indonesia will achieve vaccine independency.
Typhoid conjugate vaccine is currently being developed by Bio Farma. It has attained the pre-clinical testing stage. The target is that the vaccine can be used comprehensively in Indonesia by 2018.
Dr. Bonita Efendi from the University of Indonesia explained, the death risk due to typhoid in Indonesia reached 1.25 percent. Nevertheless, there are still many provinces in Indonesia with higher risks above the average range, even reaching 1.6 percent.
"There are 12 provinces, including Aceh, Bengkulu, West Java, Papua, West Papua, Gorontalo, East Nusa Tenggara and East Kalimantan," she noted to Republika.
According to Bonita, the lack of public awareness related to clean and hygienic lifestyle encourages the spread of infection caused by typhoid salmonella bacteria which is fairly high. No wonder if Indonesia is categorized as typhoid endemic area. She pointed out, many people live on riverbanks, non-washed hands, even using used water for household needs.
Typhoid vaccine in Indonesia, said Bonita, is still not a mandatory use. In practice, not all patients are administered with typhoid vaccine, but only those in needs. "Personally, the governments need to incorporate this into the national program, since Indonesia is an endemic country," said Bonita.
The Director of Coalition against Typhoid (CaT) based in Sabin Vaccine Institute, United States, Imran Khan, said that the vaccine can provide a quick solution for patients with typhoid.
Conjugate vaccine that has obtained license for use in India can be a solution,”said Khan in the International Conference on Typhoid and Non-typhoid Salmonella diseases IX in collaboration with Bio Farma. In Nusa Dua, Friday (1/5).
According to Khan, there are six other vaccines being tested clinically to treat the typhoid disease. These six vaccines will obtain licenses in the future in order to be used in each country of the vaccine manufacturer in 2018. CaT and its partner, including Bio Farma, will secure the immunization policy and financial support commitment for typhoid conjugate vaccine.
The Director of Bio Farma Iskandar said the company have experts and experience in this regard. This largest manufacturing company of vaccine in Indonesia can accelerate its research capacity. "In addition to typhoid conjugate vaccine, we are also developing the rubella and measles vaccine or measles rubella (MR) vaccine," said Iskandar.
Typhoid conjugate vaccine will offer effective protection to high-risk groups. Children from the age of 6 months can obtain the vaccine hence the protection for them could last longer. Conjugate vaccine can prevent 90 percent of typhoid cases and deaths with an estimation of 190 thousand lives saved per year.
Bali was the host of the Typhoid International Conference IX held at Hotel Westin, Nusa Dua, on 30 April – 3 May 2015. CaT was in cooperation with Bio Farma.
The event was themed Conference on Typhoid & Invasive Non-typhoid Salmonella (NTS) Disease that was attended by 200 public health experts around the world. They discussed strategies to eradicate typhoid and invasive non-typhoid salmonella (iNTS) diseases. A number of speakers presented their research on the disease burden, effective and efficient intervention strategies, as well as global policy recommendations for salmonella invasive. "We are very proud and welcome the trust as the organizing partner of this event in collaboration with CaT," said Iskandar, Friday (1/5). ed: nur hasan murtiaji
Source: Republika
For further information, please contact:
N. Nurlaela Arief
Head of Corporate Communications Dept.
Email :
Bio Farma
Jl. Pasteur No. 28 Bandung
Telp : 62 22 2033755
Fax : 62 22 2041306
Nusa Dua – The State Owned Enterprise, PT Bio Farma, continue to encourage the existence of domestic vaccine independence. Marketing Director of Bio Farma Mahendra Suhardono said, to meet the needs of vaccine in Indonesia, Bio Farma is currently developing a typhoid vaccine.
"We hope in the near future the vaccine can benefit the people of Indonesia," said Mahendra, in Nusa Dua, Friday (1/5).
Bio Farma cooperated with various parties, in this case, including technology transfer from Sabin Vaccine Institute and co-operation with Korea. With the fulfillment of domestic vaccine, Mahendra added, Indonesia will achieve vaccine independency.
Typhoid conjugate vaccine is currently being developed by Bio Farma. It has attained the pre-clinical testing stage. The target is that the vaccine can be used comprehensively in Indonesia by 2018.
Dr. Bonita Efendi from the University of Indonesia explained, the death risk due to typhoid in Indonesia reached 1.25 percent. Nevertheless, there are still many provinces in Indonesia with higher risks above the average range, even reaching 1.6 percent.
"There are 12 provinces, including Aceh, Bengkulu, West Java, Papua, West Papua, Gorontalo, East Nusa Tenggara and East Kalimantan," she noted to Republika.
According to Bonita, the lack of public awareness related to clean and hygienic lifestyle encourages the spread of infection caused by typhoid salmonella bacteria which is fairly high. No wonder if Indonesia is categorized as typhoid endemic area. She pointed out, many people live on riverbanks, non-washed hands, even using used water for household needs.
Typhoid vaccine in Indonesia, said Bonita, is still not a mandatory use. In practice, not all patients are administered with typhoid vaccine, but only those in needs. "Personally, the governments need to incorporate this into the national program, since Indonesia is an endemic country," said Bonita.
The Director of Coalition against Typhoid (CaT) based in Sabin Vaccine Institute, United States, Imran Khan, said that the vaccine can provide a quick solution for patients with typhoid.
Conjugate vaccine that has obtained license for use in India can be a solution,”said Khan in the International Conference on Typhoid and Non-typhoid Salmonella diseases IX in collaboration with Bio Farma. In Nusa Dua, Friday (1/5).
According to Khan, there are six other vaccines being tested clinically to treat the typhoid disease. These six vaccines will obtain licenses in the future in order to be used in each country of the vaccine manufacturer in 2018. CaT and its partner, including Bio Farma, will secure the immunization policy and financial support commitment for typhoid conjugate vaccine.
The Director of Bio Farma Iskandar said the company have experts and experience in this regard. This largest manufacturing company of vaccine in Indonesia can accelerate its research capacity. "In addition to typhoid conjugate vaccine, we are also developing the rubella and measles vaccine or measles rubella (MR) vaccine," said Iskandar.
Typhoid conjugate vaccine will offer effective protection to high-risk groups. Children from the age of 6 months can obtain the vaccine hence the protection for them could last longer. Conjugate vaccine can prevent 90 percent of typhoid cases and deaths with an estimation of 190 thousand lives saved per year.
Bali was the host of the Typhoid International Conference IX held at Hotel Westin, Nusa Dua, on 30 April – 3 May 2015. CaT was in cooperation with Bio Farma.
The event was themed Conference on Typhoid & Invasive Non-typhoid Salmonella (NTS) Disease that was attended by 200 public health experts around the world. They discussed strategies to eradicate typhoid and invasive non-typhoid salmonella (iNTS) diseases. A number of speakers presented their research on the disease burden, effective and efficient intervention strategies, as well as global policy recommendations for salmonella invasive. "We are very proud and welcome the trust as the organizing partner of this event in collaboration with CaT," said Iskandar, Friday (1/5). ed: nur hasan murtiaji
Source: Republika
For further information, please contact:
N. Nurlaela Arief
Head of Corporate Communications Dept.
Email :
Bio Farma
Jl. Pasteur No. 28 Bandung
Telp : 62 22 2033755
Fax : 62 22 2041306
Nusa Dua-Perusahaan Pelat merah, PT Bio Farma, terus mendorong terciptanya kemandirian vaksin dalam negeri. Direktur Marketing Bio Farma Mahendra Suhardono mengatakan, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan vaksin di Indonesia, Bio Farma sedang mengembangkan vaksin tifoid.
“Kami berharap dalam waktu dekat vaksin tersebut sudah bisa dinikmati masyarakat Indonesia,” ujar Mahendra, di Nusa Dua, Jumat (1/5).
Bio Farma menggandeng berbagai pihak, dalam hal ini, diantaranya menerima teknologi transfer dari Sabin Vaccine Institute dan kerjasama dengan Korea. Dengan terpenuhinya kebutuhan vaksin di dalam negeri, kata Mahendra, Indonesia akan mencapai kemandirian vaksin.
Vaksin tifoid konjugat saat ini sedang dikembangkan oleh Bio Farma. Tahapannya sudah sampai pada prauji klinis. Targetnya, vaksin tersebut sudah bisa digunakan secara menyeluruh di Indonesia pada 2018.
Dr Bonita Efendi dari Universitas Indonesia memaparkan, risiko kematian akibat tifoid di Indonesia mencapai 1,25 persen. Meski demikian, masih banyak provinsi di Indonesia yang sangat berisiko diatas batas rata-rata, bahkan mencapai 1,6 persen.
“Ada 12 provinsi, diantaranya, Aceh, Bengkulu, Jawa Barat, Papua, Papua Barat, Gorontalo, Nusa Tenggara Timur, dan Kalimantan Timur,” uajarnya saat dijumpai Republika.
Menurutu Bonita, rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat terkait pola hidup bersih dan higienis mendorong penyebaran infeksi akibat bakteri salmonela typhe ini terbilang tinggi. Tak heran jika Indonesia dikategorikan sebagai daerah endemis tifoid. Ia mencontohkan, banyak masyarakat hidup dipinggiran kali, tidak rajin mencuci tangan, bahkan menggunakan air bekas untuk kebutuhan rumah tangganya.
Vaksin tifoid di Indonesia, kata Bonita, sejauh ini masih belum diwajibkan penggunaanya. Pada praktiknya, tidak semua pasien mendapatkan vaksin tifoid, melainkan hanya mereka yang merasa membutuhkan. “Secara pribadi, pemerintah perlu memasukkan ini ke dalam program nasional, sebab Indonesia kan negara endemis,” kata Bonita.
Direktur Coalition against Typhoid (CaT) yang berbasis di Sabin Vaccine Institute, Amerika Serikat, Imran Khan, mengatakan, vaksin dapat memberikan solusi cepat untuk penderita penyakit tifoid.
Vaksin konjugat yang telah mendapatkan lisensi untuk digunakan di India bisa menjadi solusinya, “ kata Khan dalam Konferensi Internasional Tifoid dan Penyakit Non-Typhoid Salmonella IX yang bekerja sama dengan Bio Farma. Di Nusa Dua, Jumat (1/5).
Menurut Khan, masih ada enam vaksin lainnya yang sedang diuji klinis untuk mengobati penyakit tifoid ini. Keenam vaksin ini ke depannya akan mendapatkan lisensi supaya bisa digunakan di masing-masing negara pembuat vaksin pada 2018. CaT dan mitranya, termasuk Bio Farma, akan mengamankan kebijakan imunisasi dan komitmen dukungan finansial untuk vaksin tifoid konjugat.
Direktur Utama Bio Farma Iskandar mengatakan, perusahaannya memiliki pakar dan pengalaman dalam hal ini. Perusahaan produsen vaksin terbesar di Indonesia ini bisa mempercepat kapasitas risetnya. “Selain vaksin tifoid konjugat, kami juga mengembangkan vaksin rubella dan campak atau measles rubella (MR),” kata Iskandar.
Vaksin tifoid konjugat akan memberikan perlindungan efektif kepada kelompok berisiko tinggi. Anak – anak sejak usia 6 bulan sudah bisa mendapatkan vaksin ini sehingga perlindungan untuk mereka bisa lebih lama. Vaksin konjugat bisa mencegah 90 persen kasus dan kematian tifoid dengan perkiraan bisa menyelamatkan 190 ribu nyawa per tahun.
Bali menjadi tuan rumah pelaksaan Konferensi International Tifoid IX bertempat di Hotel Westin, Nusa Dua, 30 April – 3 Mei 2015. CaT ini bekerja sama dengan Bio Farma.
Acara bertemakan Conference on Typhoid & Invasive Non-Typhoid Salmonella (NTS) Disease ini dihadiri 200 ahli kesehatan masyarakat seluruh dunia. Mereka membahas strategi pemberantasan penyakit tifoid dan invasive non typhoid salmonella (iNTS). Sejumlah pembicara mempresentasikan penelitian mereka mengenai beban penyakit, strategi intervensi yang efektif dan efisien, serta rekomendasi kebijakan global untuk salmonela invasive. “Kami sangat bangga dan menyambut baik atas kepercayaan sebagai mitra penyelenggara acara ini bekerja sama dengan CaT,” kata Iskandar, Jumat (1/5). ed: nur hasan murtiaji
Sumber : Republika
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, Anda dapat menghubungi:
N Nurlaela
Head of Corporate Communications Department.
PT Bio Farma (Persero) Jl. Pasteur No. 28 Bandung – 40161 Indonesia Phone : +62 22 2033755 ext. 37431 Fax : +62 22 2041306 Email : Web :
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