Bio Farma Mampu Kembangkan Vaksin Tifoid
Penyakit Tifoid atau di Indonesia dikenal dengan Tifus, menurut rilis resmi yang dikeluarkan Coalition against Typhoid (CaT) menyerang sekitar 21 juta orang, menyebabkan kematian 216.000 per tahun, dimana kasus terbanyak terjadi pada anak usia dibawah 15 tahun. Serta iNTS menyebabkan sekitar 3,4 juta kejadian dan 681.316 kematian per tahun. Hal ini terungkap pada konferensi International Vaksin Tifoid di Nusa Dua Bali, acara yang diselenggarakan oleh Sabin Vaccine Institute, Coalition against Typhoid (CaT) bekerja sama dengan Bio Farma diadakan pada 30 April – 3 Mei 2015. Pretty Multihartina, Kepala Pusat Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan (Balitbangkes) Kementerian Kesehatan Indonesia, pada pembukaan konferensi menyampaikan bahwa pihaknya telah melakukan riset, pada 1 juta penduduk Indonesia di 33 provinsi tahun 2007, hasil riset menyatakan angka penderita Tifoid di Indonesia mencapai rata-rata 1,6% (data riset kesehatan dasar -Riskesdas). Pretty menegaskan bahwa “prinsipnya Vaksin Tifoid penting untuk mencegah, penyakit Tifoid erat kaitannya dengan pola hidup masyarakat, seperti penanganan air limbah belum baik, makanan yang kita konsumsi terkontaminasi, kuncinya adalah bagaimana menjaga pola hidup bersih dan sehat. Penyakit tifus di Indonesia masih tinggi, jika ada Vaksin Tifoid akan berkontribusi sangat baik”. Mahendra Suhardono, Direktur Marketing Bio Farma, yang juga sebagai Presiden Asosiasi Produsen Vaksin Negara Berkembang (DCVMN-Developing Countries Vaccine Manufacturers Network) menambahkan “sebagai BUMN yang sampai sekarang fokus pada penyediaan vaksin untuk memenuhi kebutuhan vaksin di Indonesia, saat ini kami sedang mengembangkan Vaksin Tifoid, kami menerima teknologi transfer dari Sabin Vaccine Institute, serta kerjasama dengan IVI Korea, kami berharap dalam waktu dekat Vaksin tersebut dapat di nikmati oleh masyarakat Indonesia” . Mahendra menambahkan bahwa “kami memiliki kapasitas, expertis, pengalaman dan kompetensi SDM dalam melakukan riset Vaksin Tifoid, sebelumnya kami telah berhasil memproduksi Vaksin Haemophilus Influenza tipe B (Hib) yang lebih sulit dari Vaksin Tifoid, didunia saat ini baru ada di India, dan Indonesia akan menjadi yang kedua”. Konferensi dihadiri oleh sekitar 200 pakar kesehatan masyarakat dari seluruh dunia. Pertemuan 3 (tiga) hari tersebut membahas srategi pemberantasan penyakit Tifoid dan Invasive non-typhoid salmonella (iNTS). Para pembicara dari berbagai negara di dunia, termasuk perwakilan Bio Farma. Presentasi berbagai topik mengenai beban penyakit (disease burden),hasil penelitian terakhir serta strategi intervensi yang efektif dan efisien dan rekomendasi kebijakan global untuk salmonella invasive.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, Anda dapat menghubungi: N Nurlaela Head of Corporate Communications Department. PT Bio Farma (Persero) Jl. Pasteur No. 28 Bandung – 40161 Indonesia Phone : +62 22 2033755 ext. 37431 Fax : +62 22 2041306 Email : Web : Twitter | Instagram | Youtube : @biofarmaID
The disease Typhoid or known in Indonesia as Typhus, according to an official release issued by the Coalition against Typhoid (CaT), It impacts approximately 21 million people, causing more than 216,000 deaths annually — predominantly among children younger than 15. In addition, invasive non-typhoidal salmonellae cause an estimated 3.4 million illnesses and 681,316 deaths globally each year. This was revealed at a Conference of International Typhoid Vaccine in Nusa Dua Bali, an event organized by the Sabin Vaccine Institute, Coalition against Typhoid (CaT) in collaboration with Bio Farma that was held on April 30 – May 3, 2015. Pretty Multihartina, Head of the Center for Biomedical Technology and Health, the Agency for Health Research and development (Balitbangkes) of the Ministry of health of Indonesia, at the opening of the Conference conveyed that they have conducted research, on 1 million residents of Indonesia in 33 provinces in 2007, the research result figures indicate that the number of Typhoid patients in Indonesia achieved an average of 1.6% (health research data base-Riskesdas). Pretty confirmed that "in principle, the Typhoid Vaccine is important to prevent, the Typhoid disease which is closely related to the patterns of life of the society, such as the handling of waste water which has not been good, the contaminated food that we consume, the key is how to maintain a clean and healthy life patterns. Typhoid disease in Indonesia is still high, if there were a Typhoid Vaccine, it will contribute very well ". Mahendra Suhardono, Director of Marketing of Bio Farma, which also served as the President of the Developing Countries Vaccine Manufacturers Network (DCVMN) added "as a State-Owned Company that until now focuses on providing vaccines to meet the needs of vaccines in Indonesia, currently we are developing the Typhoid Vaccine, we received technology transfers from the Sabin Vaccine Institute, as well as the cooperation with IVI Korea, we hope in the near future the Vaccine can be enjoyed by the people of Indonesia". Mahendra added that "we have the capacity, competence, experience and R & D expertise in Typhoid Vaccine Research, previously we have succeeded in producing the Haemophilus Influenza type B (Hib) Vaccine , which is more difficult than Typhoid, currently throughout the world, it exists only in India, and Indonesia will become the second". The Conference was attended by approximately 200 public health experts from around the world. The 3 (three days) Meeting discussed the strategy to eradicate Typhoid disease and the Invasive non-typhoid salmonella (iNTS). The speakers were from various countries in the world, including the representatives of Bio Farma. The presentations were of various topics on the disease burden, the final results of the research as well as the effective and efficient intervention strategies effective and the global recommendation policy for salmonella invasive.
For more information, you may contact: N Nurlaela Head of Corporate Communications Department. PT Bio Farma (Persero) JL. Pasteur No. 40161 Bandung – 28 Indonesia Phone: + 62 22 2033755 Ext. 37431 Fax: + 62 22 2041306 Email: Web: Twitter | Instagram | YouTube: @biofarmaID