Bio Farma Obtains Professional Certification Agency License (LSP-P2) for Biopharmaceutical Certification
(Bandung 18/7) Bio Farma obtained a Professional Certificate Institute License (LSP-P2) for the field of Biopharmaceutical certification from BNSP (National Agency for Professional Certification) on July 18, 2022 at the Bio Farma Bandung office. This activity was attended by the Chairman of BNSP Kunjung Masehat, President Director of Bio Farma Honesti Basyir, Senior Executive Vice President (SEVP) Human Capital & Compliance Disril Revolin Putra, Acting Head of the Human Capital Service Division Tjut Vina Irvianti, the Bio Farma assessor team and the BNSP assessment team. and the LSP team, the license was handed over directly by the Chairman of BNSP Kunjung Masehat to the Senior Executive Vice President (SEVP) Human Capital & Compliance Disril Revolin Putra.
BNSP is an independent body responsible to the President who has the authority as a personnel certification authority and is tasked with implementing professional competency certification for workers.
LSP Holding BUMN Pharmaceuticals is a Professional Certification Agency (LSP-P2) owned by Holding BUMN Pharmaceuticals with the field of Biopharmaceutical certification which was established in July 2020. The standard used by LSP Holding BUMN Pharmaceuticals is the Special Competency Standard for Biopharmaceutical Expertise which is based on Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). This standard has been approved by the Ministry of Manpower with the Number: KEP.2/1622/LP.00.00/XII/2020 and has 68 certification schemes. Meanwhile, the standards are divided into three streams of competency areas, namely: the competency unit for bacterial vaccine production, the viral vaccine production competency unit, and the Pharmaceutical production competency unit.
Honesty Basyir, the President Director of Holding BUMN Pharmaceuticals said "We need Human Resources with competent competencies. good, especially during a pandemic like today, especially seeing the fast development of the pharmaceutical industry is also a driving factor for us to need quality human resources.”
Meanwhile, Disril Revolin Putra, SEVP HC & Compliance Bio Farma, stated that Bio Farma as the parent of pharmaceutical SOEs has been recognized globally where Bio Farma products have received pre-qualifications from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Drug Administration (BPOM). This recognition has brought Bio Farma's products, especially vaccines, to use in more than 150 countries.
In an effort to produce quality products to ensure the health of the world community, standardization of employee competencies is required and recognition of the competence of Human Resources (HR) by a Professional Certification Agency that has conducted an assessment of the company's main competencies.
One form of a systematic and sustainable mechanism is carried out by formulating the qualification standards of human resources needed to produce high-quality and globally competitive products and ensure the sustainability of Bio Farma. The HR qualification standard is a reference in developing programs and curriculum, and the company will use it as a reference in formulating policies in macro HR development.
The standard of HR qualification needs is manifested in the Special Work Competency Standards for the Field of Expertise which is a reflection of the competencies that are expected to be possessed by people or someone who will work in that field. In addition, these standards must also have equivalence and equality with relevant standards that apply to the pharmaceutical industry sector that apply internationally.
"By becoming an LSP, it will provide recognition for employee competencies in carrying out work based on the standards set, as well as maintaining the required competencies within the scope of Holding BUMN Pharmaceuticals to increase the company's competitiveness, both at national and international levels," said Disril.
In the future, a scheme for the field of Chemical Drugs, Natural Extracts, and Medical Devices will be developed so that all certifications of all employees of Pharmaceutical BUMN Holding (PT Bio Farma, Kimia Farma, Indo Farma) have standardized and globally recognized competencies.
Head of BNSP Kunjung Masehat, said that “This institution is not only limited to internal but also can carry out external certification to suppliers. Our hope in the future is that we must be competitive in all respects. Not only in the context of human resources but also in a constructive context because it makes our competitiveness nationally and internationally accountable in order to improve the country's competence. Therefore, one of the functions of BNSP says that we must develop an Indonesian certification system for national and international recognition. In the future, developments related to medicine and health depend on us.”