Bio Farma Sabet Proper Emas
Pada penghujung tahun 2014, PT Bio Farma berhasil menyabet Proper Emas, penghargaan tertinggi program unggulan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup (KLH) dalam bidang pengendalian pencemaran, kerusakan lingkungan hidup dan pengelolaan limbah bahan bakar berbahaya beracun (B3). Proper Emas diserahkan Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla dan diterima oleh Direkrur Utama PT Bio Farma , Iskandar, Selasa (2/12) di Jakarta. Menurut Iskandar, green culture telah menjadi core competency dan budaya karyawan kami. Sejak awal berdiri tahun 1890, sampai tahun ini, Bio Farma berfokus menyediakan vaksin berkualitas tinggi untuk kebutuhan nasional dan internasional dengan harga terjangkau dan selalu mengedepankan keselarasan dalam pengembanan keberlanjutan dalam aspek ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan sehingga menjadi sustainable green industry yang berdaya saing global. “Buktinya Bio Farma sejak tahun 2011-2014 terus menerus mendapatkan Proper Hijau dari KLH dan secara konsisten menerapkan green vaccine industry,” ujar Iskandar seraya menjelaskan bahwa jalan menuju Proper Emas ini dilalui beberapa tahap seleksi selain harus sudah mendapatkan proper hijau berturut-turut 4 kali, Bio Farma harus terus menerus melakukan penaatan pengelolaan lingkungan melalui mekanisme self assessment, mendapatkan penilaian terhadap beyond compliance dengan melihat kinerja perusahaan terhadap sistem manajemen lingkungan, program efisiensi energi, air, pengurangan pencemaran udara, limbah B3 dan Non B3. Sumber : Sindo Weekly No.43-44 Tahun III
In the end of 2014, PT Bio Farma succeeded to receive the Proper Emas Award, which is the highest award for superior programs from the Ministry of Environment for the control in pollution, environmental damage, and the management of hazardous and toxic materials (b3). Proper Emas was given by the Vice President, Jusuf Kalla, and received by the President Director of PT Bio Farma, Iskandar, on Tuesday (2/12) in Jakarta. According to Iskandar, green culture has become our core competency and employees’ culture. Since its establishment in 1890 until today, Bio Farma focuses in the procurement of quality vaccines to fulfill the national and international needs with affordable price and promotes the harmony in continuous development of the economic, social, and environmental aspects to become a sustainable green industry with global competitiveness. “It has been proven that Bio Farma has continuously received Proper Hijau from the Ministry of Environment and consistently implemented the green vaccine industry,” Iskandar said while explaining that to achieve the Proper Emas, there were several selection stages besides obtaining Proper Hijau for 4 times consecutively. Bio Farma should continuously manage its environment maintenance through self assessment mechanism, obtain the beyond compliance result based on the company’s performance in the management system, energy and water efficiency program, and reducing the air pollution, b3 waste, and Non-B3. Source : Sindo Weekly No.43-44 Tahun III