Bio Farma Terapkan Budaya Baduy
[:en]Bandung, April 2014, Bio Farma constructs a Leuit in the company’s environment that is located in the employee cafeteria Public Building 2. Leuit has a high philosophy to the Baduy ethnic, a place to store rice that can be stored for up to 100 years for the sustainability of its people. For Bio Farma constructing a Leuit aims to implement the local wisdom and also as a symbol that despite Bio Farma has gone global, it still has very much concern to the local Cultural Diversity. Iskandar, the Managing Director of Bio Farma, said at the greeting of Bio Farma Employees Association (HIKA) birthday "the Leuit philosophy is very suitable for Bio Farma in the sense of Vaccine independence, in addition we refer to the UNIDO (UN Industrial Development Organization), we mainstream social, cultural and environmental aspects into our operations. The application of the cultural and environmental aspects is taken seriously, in our future plans we will also implement the Baduy architectural style as the identity of Sundanese, at the new building of the company". The Baduy ethnic is one of the sub-ethnic of the Sundanese ethnic. These communities settle in the valley and hills in the mountains of Kendeng, Lebak-Rangkasbitung, Banten province. The Baduy use Leuit or warehouses for storing dry paddy, which is used only for large purposes such as celebrations and to aid neighbors in distress. The Leuit also functions as unhulled rice storage that has the ability of weather-resistant, pest-resistant, and has a good system of air circulation, hence the dried unhulled rice can be stored in a long term. The Rice stored in a leuit can last up to 100 years. Iskandar added "Leuit is made personally by the Baduy people, using available materials from nature, accordingly the manufacturing process is environmentally friendly, it is expected with the construction of Leuit in the Bio Farma environment, it can enhance the love of the local culture diversity as well as to better understand the philosophy of sustainability to improve the quality of life for future generations " For further information, please contact: N. Nurlaela Arief Head of Corporate Communications Dept. Email : Bio Farma Jl. Pasteur No. 28 Bandung Telp : 62 22 2033755 Fax : 62 22 2041306 [:ID]
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