First Week of August 2021 Bio Farma Distributes 15.4 Million Dose of Covid-19 Vaccine
During the past week, we have continued to distribute the Covid-19 vaccine according to the needs of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, which we distribute to the Provincial Health Office. Since August 1 - 8, 2021, we have distributed 15.4 million doses to all provinces in Indonesia
Bio Farma continues to distribute Covid-19 vaccines to 34 provinces from various platforms, both from those that are self-processed at Bio Farma, as well as from other producers such as AstraZeneca Covax and Bilateral and Moderna. As of today (9/8), a total of 102.1 million doses of the Covid-19 vaccine have been distributed. The details of the vaccines that have been distributed consist of three million doses of CoronaVac, 81.4 million doses of Covid-19 Bio Farma, AstraZeneca from the Covax Facility, Bilateral and grants, 14.9 million doses and Moderna three million doses.
The company secretary and spokesperson for Bio Farma, Bambang Heriyanto said, Bio Farma continues to distribute the Covid-19 vaccine from various platforms and manufacturers. As of August 1, 2021 - August 8, 2021, at least 15.4 million doses have been distributed.
"Over the past week, we have continued to distribute the Covid-19 vaccine according to the needs of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, which we distribute to the Provincial Health Office. From August 1-8, 2021, we have distributed 15.4 million doses to all provinces in Indonesia," said Bambang.
The details of the distribution are as follows; August 1, 2021 as many as 4.4 million doses, August 2 577 thousand doses, August 3 as many as 1.7 million doses, August 5 2021 as many as 1 million doses, August 6 as many as 4.9 million doses and August 8 2021 as many as 2.7 million doses. It is planned that on August 10, 2021 tomorrow, 784 thousand doses of Bio Farma's Covid-19 vaccine will also be distributed.
For the remaining stock of the Covid-19 Vaccine at Bio Farma, as of (9/8) as many as 5.8 million doses are ready to be shipped, this number will increase, with the planned release of Bio Farma's Covid-19 products of 12.9 million up to end of August 2021.
In the distribution process itself, Bio Farma has responsibility for the implementation of vaccine distribution from Bio Farma, to districts/cities. The implementation of the distribution will of course be based on the allocation and request from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. In addition to this, in distribution, it is still necessary to pay attention to the availability or stock of vaccines that are ready to be distributed or have received a lot of release from the POM Agency. In addition to these things, Bio Farma will also consider the storage capacity at the Health Office at the destination.
For own production, as of August 9, 2021 yesterday, the total number of Covid-19 vaccines processed at Bio Farma was 101.2 million doses, of which 81.4 million have received lot releases from the POM Agency, and 19.8 million doses are still in progress. the quarantine process is waiting for the lot release from the POM Agency.
Until the end of August 2021, it is estimated that Indonesia will get an additional supply of vaccines estimated at more than 50 million doses, both through bilateral and multilateral schemes including through the Covax Facility from various brands such as Sinovac, AstraZeneca, Moderna, and from Pfizer. (ed)