Green Culture Jalan Menuju PROPER Emas
(2/12 – Jakarta) “Green Culture telah menjadi core competency dan budaya karyawan kami, ujar Iskandar disela-sela penyerahan penghargan Proper Emas dari Wapres Jusuf Kala kepada PT Bio Farma yang diterima oleh Iskandar, Sejak awal berdiri pada tahun 1890, sampai dengan tahun ini, Bio Farma berfokus untuk penyediaan Vaksin yang berkualitas tinggi untuk kebutuhan nasional dan internasional dengan harga terjangkau. Seiring dengan filosofi perusahaan yaitu dedicated to improve quality of life Bio Farma berkomitmen untuk mengedepankan keselarasan dalam pengembangan keberlanjutan dalam aspek ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan. Bio Farma mempunyai komitmen yang tinggi untuk melaksanakan perbaikan berkesinambungan dalam seluruh kegiatan operasional yang dilakukan yang mampu mengidentifikasi dan memanfaatkan berbagai peluang untuk melakukan improvement dalam kegiatan operasional sehingga kualitas kinerja pengelolaan lingkungan terus meningkat dan mencapai standar yang lebih tinggi daripada standar yang diwajibkan. Hal tersebut salah satu wujud nyata untuk menjadi sustainable green industry yang berdaya saing global. R. Herry, Kepala Divisi CSR menambahkan bahwa Jalan menuju Proper emas ini, harus melalui beberapa tahap seleksi antara lain tahap penaatan terhadap pengelolaan lingkungan melalui mekanisme self assessment tahap kedua penilaian terhadap beyond compliance dengan melihat kinerja perusahaan terhadap penerapan sistem manajemen lingkungan, program efisiensi energi, efisiensi air, pengurangan pencemaran udara, pengurangan limbah B3 dan Non B3, keanekaragaman hayati dan community development, dan tahap ketiga diberikan kepada perusahaan yang secara konsisten menerapkan beyond compliance dan telah empat kali berturut-turut mendapatkan proper hijau. Dengan demikian Bio Farma yang sejak tahun 2011 – 2014 mendapatkan Proper Hijau, mendapatkan kesempatan untuk menjadi kandidat peraih Proper Emas. “Kami secara konsisten menerapkan beyond compliance tersebut melalui keberlanjutan yang kami lakukan secara terus menerus, dalam pengembangan manfaat dan pengembangan produk, melakukan konservasi, pengetahuan dan keahlian kami di bidang pengelolaan air, udara, lingkungan, kami teruskan kepada stakeholder perusahaan, tidak hanya kepada karyawan juga kepada mitra binaan kami dan lingkungan sekitar”, Ungkap Iskandar. Pencapaian ini merupakan bukti Implementasi corporate sustainability dan merupakan titik awal untuk menuju perusahaan life science yang lebih besar yang menerapkan sistem terintegrasi. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, Anda dapat menghubungi : N. Nurlaela Kepala Bagian Corporate Communications PT Bio Farma (Persero) Telp : 022 203 3755 Fax : 022 204 1306 E-mail :
(2/12 – Jakarta) "Green Culture has become the core competency and culture of our employees," said Iskandar, during the awarding of the PROPER GOLD from the Vice President of Indonesia, Jusuf Kala to Bio Farma which was received by Iskandar. The Gold PROPER as a prove of environmental awareness and successful community development, Proper Gold is the highest award in the field of environment which means that a company has been implementing the environmental management comprehensively and sustainably. Since its establishment in 1890 up to this year, Bio Farma focuses for the provision of high-quality Vaccines to the national and international needs at affordable prices. In line with the philosophy of the company that is dedicated to improve the quality of life, Bio Farma is committed to promote harmony in the development of sustainability in economic, social and the environment aspects. Bio Farma has a high commitment to carry out continuous improvement in all operational activities performed that are able to identify and utilize a variety of opportunities for the improvement in their operational activities so that the quality of the performance of environmental management continue to rise and reach a higher standard than the standards that are required. It is one of the concrete manifestation to become a sustainable green industry which has global competitiveness. R. Herry, head of CSR Division added that the way to this PROPER Gold has to go through several stages of selection among others the structuring stage of environmental management through the mechanism of self assessment. The second phase is the assessment of beyond compliance by looking at the performance of the companies towards the implementation of the environmental management system, programs of energy efficiency, water efficiency, reduction of air pollution, reduction of B3 and Non-B3 waste, biodiversity and community development, and the third stage is given to companies who consistently apply beyond compliance and has four times in a row been given the proper green. Thus Bio Farma which since the year 2011 – 2014 has received the Proper Green, has a chance to be a candidate of the Proper Gold Nobel. "We consistently implement the beyond compliance through the sustainability that we do continuously, in the development of benefit and product development, we perform conservation. Our knowledge and expertise in the field of water, air and environment management, we pass it on to company stakeholders, not only to employees and to our development partners and the surrounding", He Said. This achievement is a testament to the implementation of corporate sustainability and is the starting point for larger life science companies that apply the integrated system. For more information, you can contact: N. Nurlaela Head Of Corporate Communications PT Bio Farma (Persero) Tel: 022 203 3755 Fax: 022 204 1306 E-mail: