Indonesia Minister of Health Launches Molecular Diagnostic Kit for Colorectal Cancer Made by Bio Farma
Illustration: PCR kit with High Resolution Melting (HRM) analysis called BioColomelt-Dx
(Jakarta 19/7) The parent holding of Pharmaceutical BUMN, Bio Farma, launched its newest product in the form of a PCR kit with High Resolution Melting (HRM) analysis called BioColomelt-Dx. The product launch was held on July 19, 2022, at the Dharmais Cancer Hospital (RSK) Auditorium, Jakarta.
In this activity, among others; Also present, the Indonesian Minister of Health Budi G Sadikin, Head of the Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP) Abdullah Azwar Anas, Director General of Pharmacy and Medical Devices Rizka Andalusia, President Director of RSK Dharmais Dr. Soeko W Nindito D.MARS and President Director of Bio Farma Honesti Basyir, Director of Institutional Relations of Bio Farma Sri Harsi Teteki, and Senior Executive Vice President (SEVP) of Bio Farma Production, Juliman.
BioColoMelt-Dx is a molecular diagnostic kit to detect genetic disorders that mainly occur in colorectal cancer patients. The results of the BioColoMelt-Dx examination are in the form of cancer mutation profile information that can be used by doctors or other medical personnel to determine the type of drug that provides the most optimal therapeutic response in the colorectal cancer patient. This product has obtained marketing authorization from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia with the number KEMENKES RI AKD 20306220065 which was released on July 1, 2022.
In addition, BioColoMelt-Dx can also be used for screening for Lynch syndrome, a condition that can increase a person's risk of developing various types of cancer and is hereditary. By obtaining information on Lynch syndrome from the screening results, the families of patients suspected of having Lynch syndrome can undergo surveillance for cancer prevention or treatment as early as possible.
In his remarks the Director of RSK Dharmais, Dr. Soeko W Nindito D.MARS said Dharmais Cancer Hospital as a national cancer center in the future is determined to use this kit
"This kit will be more efficient and more effective for early detection of colon cancer so that cancer can be prevented or handled with more appropriate management”, said Dr. Soeko W Nindito D.MARS.
Foreword by the Head of LKPP, Azwar Anas, said that his party will support me. I am very happy today because this is the hope of the President because innovation and domestic products have become the main stage in the President's priority programs, including the health sector.
"If we look ahead in 2050, Indonesia will be in the top four of the world economy. This means that the domestic industry must be strong, one of the most important in it is the health industry, hopefully, today will be a milestone for the birth of new innovations that it will strengthen the domestic industry in Indonesia, especially in the health sector," said Azwar Anas.
In his Address, the Minister of Health, Budi G Sadikin, said that the discovery of the smallest component of living things, called DNA, became the forerunner to the production of monoclonal antibodies, RNA vaccines, which I believe will change human civilization. How we diagnose and treat future diseases. Where later will be much more personalized and more precise.
“Now it is a pillar that scientific intention on the smallest component of life becomes a product, and I hope that in the near future, Indonesian scientists can do even more. The findings are good for diagnostics or therapeutics,” said Budi G Sadikin.
Meanwhile, Honesti Basyir, President Director of Bio Farma said that Holding BUMN Pharmaceuticals is committed to always collaborating & cooperating with all stakeholders (stakeholders) and also all parties who can realize products as part of the love of Indonesian products.
In the transformation of Bio Farma itself, we have also started to position ourselves in two important things, the first is how we enter diagnostic and therapeutic product innovations that are more personalized in nature because the trend in the future is something like this.
If we all can work together to collaborate from now on, God willing, we can solve all problems together systematically. So that later one of the government programs, namely realizing Health Independence, we can enjoy together.
Honesti closed BioColomelt Bio Farma's production has a Domestic Component Level (TKDN) of more than 50%, of course, this proves National independence in terms of providing medical devices (Diagnostic Kits) can be achieved,
"With TKDN reaching 50%, it is hoped that this will become a momentum for the Indonesian people to free themselves from dependence on imported medical devices and will reduce the cost of examinations and, it is hoped that patients can get easier access to health services for examinations, as well as the accuracy of the type of therapy and treatment from an early age, "said Honesti.
The BioColomelt-Dx product is an innovation from the collaboration of Bio Farma and PathGen which involves various industries, research, and educational institutions, such as the University of Nottingham UK, and has a development lab in Indonesia (LIPI Lab and BRIN). Prior to its launch today, BioColomelt-DX was validated by clinicians in several national hospitals including Dharmais Hospital, Sardjito Hospital (and UGM), RSCM (and FKUI), etc,” he added.
This activity was also carried out in the context of the 132-year anniversary of Bio Farma, of course, we think the meaning of the journey of age is not from old age, but we want to have more value, in this context the innovations that we carry out in collaboration with all parties, especially from start-ups - start-ups based on biotech will certainly receive priority from us in the future.
Cancer Colorectal cancer is another name for cancer that attacks the large intestine (colon), rectum, or both. Based on WHO data in 2018, colorectal cancer is ranked third in the world for the most common type of cancer. In Indonesia itself, based on Globocan data in 2020, colorectal cancer ranks fourth with the latest cases of cancer in Indonesia. There are at least 35 thousand patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer each year, and 35% of them attack the Indonesian population of productive age (under 40 years). Meanwhile, the death rate in Indonesia reached 6.7 out of 100 thousand cases.