Malu dengan Palestina soal Vaksin
Imunisasi lengkap dan teratur membebaskan anak dari penyakit berbahaya Albertina S Calemens Langit Keenan genap berusia satu tahun pada 10 Maret silam. Sejak lahir, bayi laki-laki berkulit putih dan berambut ikal ini tidak pernah mendapatkan imunisasi apa pun. “Saya tidak anti, tapi memutuskan untuk tidak imunisasi,” kata Bunda Langit kepada SH, Kamis (12/3). Si bunda yang juga fotografer di sebuah Koran nasional ini mengaku tidak yakin imunisasi akan melindungi putra pertamanya. Selain air susu ibu (ASI) yang tidak berhenti, Langit juga diberikan madu , sari kurma, dan buah-buahan untuk membangun daya tahan tubuhnya melawan penyakit. “Alhamdulillah dia jarang sakit,” kata Bunda membelai putranya yang sedang pilek. Selain mendengar masukan dari berbagai pihak dan mencari informasi di internet, dia juga tidak mengimunisasi buah hatinya atas anjuran dokter. “Dokter itu juga anaknya nggak diimunisasi,” tuturnya. Ada banyak bunda lain yang memilih untuk tidak mengimunisasi anaknya. Tidak salah memang. Namun, Sri Rezeki Hadinegoro, staf Departemen Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia/Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (FKUI/RSCM) mengingatkan penyakit infeksi dapat mengancam jiwa dan menyebabkan kecacatan. Salah satu pencegahnya adalah dengan imunisasi yang berkesinambungan. Imunisasi adalah upaya pencegahan dengan memberikan vaksin agar bayi dan anak kebal terhadap penyakit infeksi berbahaya. apalagi, menurut Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO), penyakit yang dapat dicegah dengan Imunisasi masih mengancam dunia. Penyakit difteri, pertusis, tetanus, polio, campak, tuberkulosis (TB), Haemophillus Influenzae tipe B (Hib), dan hepatitis B yang masuk Program Imunisasi Nasional sebenarnya dapat dicegah dengan pemberian vaksinasi. Kenyataannya, beberapa wilayah di Indonesia menunjukkan Kejadian Luar Biasa (KLB) difteri dan campak, seperti KLB difteri di Padang, Sumatera Barat, pada Januari silam. “Bila bayi dan anak kita mendapat imunisasi lengkap dan teratur, penularan penyakit tersebut tentunya tidak akan terjadi. Pada masa mendatang semua anak Indonesia akan bebas dari penyakit infeksi yang berbahaya,” ujar Guru Besar Ilmu Kesehatan Anak FKUI ini dalam acara Temu Media: “Perkembangan Program Imunisasi di Indonesia” yang digerlar di FKUI, Jakarta, pekan silam. Perlu Edukasi Program Imunisasi Nasional yang digelar Kementerian Kesehatan (Kemenkes) sejak 1979 membuah hasil yang sangat baik. Itu dilihat dari penurunan jumlah kasus, termasuk polio yang dinyatakan bebas oleh WHO pada 2014. Namun, Sri mengungkapkan cakupan imunisasi harus merata agar tidak terjadi KLB. Ini karena biaya yang terkuras untuk mengatasi KLB jauh lebih besar dibandingkan anggaran untuk imunisasi. Data 2013 menunjukkan, cakupan imunisasi mencapai 82 persen. “Namun, angka tersebut tidak merata karena beberapa provinsi, seperti Kalimantan Tengah, Sulawesi Tenggara, dan Papua hanya mencapai 52,5-74,0 persen, ucapnya. Sri menambahkan, ada tiga alasan orang tidak diimunisasi. Pertama, karena tidak tahu apa itu vaksin. Memang butuh edukasi yang terus menerus untuk memberikan pemahaman yang benar pada masyarakat. Hal lain yang menghambat orang imunisasi adalah karena alasan bisnis. Para penjual herbal akan menganjurkan orang lain untuk mengonsumsi produknya daripada diimunisasi. “Kalaupun madu adalah salah satu obat, tapi tidak bisa mengobati difteri,” tutur dosen yang sangat produktif menghasilkan berbagai karya ilmiah ini. Factor ketiga dan yang paling sulit, Sri menyebutkan, adalah alasan ideology. Perlu pendekatan khusus dan kajian-kajian ilmiah untuk memberikan pemahaman. “Para dokter juga ada yang antivaksin, bukan di Indonesia saja, melainkan juga di seluruh dunia,” ucap Sri. Halal-Haram Sri menegaskan, semua vaksin yang beredar di Indonesia mempunyai nomor registrasi Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (POM). Artinya, sudah dikaji mengenai haram dan halalnya, termasuk semua buatan PT Bio Farma. “Ini yang harus digarisbawahi. Jadi, kita tidak berkutat pada haram-halal, penyakitnya jalan terus, dan anak kita meninggal semua. Kemudian, kalau sakit menjadi cacat itu menjadi beban di kemudian hari,” katanya. Indonesia, melalui Bio Farma, menjadi pemasok vaksin pada negara-negara anggota Organisasi Kerja Sama Islam (OIC). Menurut Hafizh Mizwar, Corporate Communication Bio Farma, Indonesia bahkan didapuk sebagai penghubung dengan misi utamanya adalah agar negara-negara anggotanya mandiri dalam produksi vaksin. Bio Farma juga telah masuk dalam daftar prakualifikasi WHO untuk mengekspor produknya. Hamdan Rasyid, anggota Komisi Fatwa Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) pusat, mengutarakan pada dasarnya, imunisasi dan vaksinasi dalam sudut pandang Islam dibolehkan untuk mencegahterjadinya penyakit. Jika belum ada vaksin yang halal, ia melanjutkan, vaksin yang haram dapat digunakan terkait adanya kebutuhan yang mendesak (Ji al-hajah). Dalam hal ini, kebutuhan untuk menunaikan kewajiban, yaitu ibadah haji,” ujar dosen Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Jakarta ini. Sri menambahkan, berkaitan dengan propaganda antivaksin, Kemenkes mempunyai tim advokasi vaksin yang berasal dari Kemenkes, yakni Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia (IDAI) dan MUI. “Kami selalu bersama-sama memberikan advokasi informasi, ke daerah yang memerlukan,” ucapnya. Hak Anak Yuliandi, Staf Teknis Subdirektorat Jenderal PP&PL Kemenkes menegaskan, imunisasi adalah hak dasar, hak asasi seorang anak. Anak-anak yang tidak diimunisasi, Yudi mengatakan, bisa dikatakan rawan penyakit. “Kita malu pada Palestina, negara yang berkonflik dengan Israel terus-menerus, itu cakupan imunisasinya 90 persen,” tuturnya. Artinya, ibu-ibu di sana merasa imunisasi itu sesuatu yang harus dipenuhi anaknya, seperti orang tua memenuhi kebutuhan sandang dan pangan bagi anak-anaknya. Karena itu, menurut Yudi, perlu ada gerakan bersama dari semua pihak agar tidak ada lagi penyakit yang bisa dicegah dengan imunisasi. “Jika kita tidak cegah, ada beban kesehatan yang luar biasa yang harus kita tanggung,” katanya. Sumber : Sinar Harapan
A complete and regular immunization frees children from dangerous diseases Albertina S Calemens Langit Keenan turned one year old on last March 10. At birth, this white skinned and curly haired baby boy has never received any immunization. "I'm not anti immunization, but I decided not to immunize," said Langit’s mother to SH, on Thursday (12/3). The mother who is also a photographer in a national Newspaper claimed not to believe that immunization could protect her son. In addition to continuous breast feeding, Langit was also given honey, dates essence, and fruits to build up his endurance against diseases. "Thank God he is rarely ill," said the mother while stroking her son's runny nose. In addition to hearing input from various parties and finding information on the internet, she also does not immunize her loved one on the advice of a doctor. "The doctor also does not immunize his son," she said. There are many other mothers who chose not to immunize their children. It’s not a mistake indeed. However, Sri Rezeki Hadinegoro, a staff of the Department of Maternal and Child Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia / Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (FKUI/RSCM) reminded that infectious diseases can be life-threatening and the cause of disability. One of the preventions is by continuous immunization. Immunization is the prevention effort by providing vaccines for infants and children to be immune against dangerous infectious diseases. Moreover, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), diseases that can be prevented by Immunization are still threatening the world. The diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, measles, tuberculosis (TB), Haemophillus Influenzae type B (Hib), and hepatitis B diseases that are included in the National Immunization Program can actually be prevented by administering vaccinations. The fact is, some areas in Indonesia showed Extraordinary Conditions (KLB) of diphtheria and measles, such as the Extraordinary Condition of diphtheria in Padang, West Sumatra, in the past January. "When administered with complete and regular immunization to our infants and children, transmission of diseases surely would not happen. In the future all of the Indonesian children will be free from dangerous infectious diseases," said the Professor of Health Science of FKUI in the event of Media Meeting: "The Development of Immunization in Indonesia "which was held at FKUI, Jakarta, last week. The Need of Education The National Immunization program, which was held by the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) since 1979 made excellent results. It is seen from the decline in the number of cases, including polio which by WHO was stated as free in 2014. However, Sri expressed that the immunization coverage must be even in order for the Extraordinary Conditions not to reoccur. This is due to the cost to handle Extraordinary Conditions are far greater than the budget for immunization. The data of 2013 showed that the coverage of immunization reached 82 percent. "However, the number is uneven because some provinces, like Central Kalimantan, Sulawesi, only reached 52.5 - 74.0 percent, he said. Sri added, there are three reasons why people are not immunized. First, because they do not know what vaccine is. It takes continuous education to provide the correct understanding to the community. Another thing that hinders the immunization is due to business reasons. The sellers of herbs will encourage others to consume their products than being immunized. "Even if honey is considered as one of the medicines, yet it cannot treat diphtheria," said this very productive lecturer who produced a variety of scientific papers. The third factor and the most difficult, said Sri, are ideological reasons. There is the need for a special approach and scientific studies to provide understanding. "There are doctors who are also anti to vaccines, not just in Indonesia but also in the whole world," said Sri. Halal-Haram Sri asserted, all vaccines circulating in Indonesia have the registration number of the Food and Drugs Monitoring Agency (POM). This means, they have been evaluated on their halal and haram status, including all products made by PT Bio Farma. "This should be underlined. So, there is no need to dwell on the halal and haram status, while the disease continues, and our children are all dying. And later, when the disease evolves into disability, it will certainly become a burden in the future," he said. Indonesia, through Bio Farma, is the supplier of vaccines to the member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). According to Hafizh Mizwar, the Corporate Communication of Bio Farma, Indonesia has even been elected as the liaison with the main mission to make the member countries independent in the production of vaccines. Bio Farma has also been included in the WHO prequalification list to export its products. Hamdan Rasyid, Commission Member of the Central Indonesian Council of Ulema Fatwa (MUI), stated that basically, immunization and vaccination in the viewpoint of Islam is allowed for the prevention of diseases. If there are no halal vaccines, he continued, haram vaccines may be used in relation to urgent needs (Ji al-hajah). In this regard, the need to fulfill the obligations, namely pilgrimage,”said this lecturer for Postgraduates of Islamic University, Jakarta. Sri added, relating to the propaganda of anti vaccines, The Ministry of Health has a vaccine advocacy team of Kemenkes, which consists of Indonesian Association of Pediatricians (IDAI) and MUI. "We collectively provide information advocacy to the required areas," he said. Rights of the Child Yuliandi, Technical Staff of the Sub-directorate General of PP & PL Kemenkes affirmed, immunization is the fundamental right of a child. Children who are not immunized, Yudi said, are volatile to diseases. "We are embarrassed by the Palestine, a country in constant conflict with Israel, has the immunization coverage of 90 percent," he said. This means that mothers there are aware that immunization is something that should be met by their children, as the parents meet the needs of clothing and food for their children. Therefore, according to Yudi, there is a need of a joint movement from all sides so there are no longer the existence of diseases that can be prevented by immunization. "If we do not prevent the diseases, there will be a tremendous health burden that we have to bear," he said. Source: Sinar Harapan