RI Pimpin Produksi Vaksin di Dunia Islam
Maspril Aries Bio Farma terus mengupayakan pengembangan vaksin halal PALEMBANG – Indonesia melalui BUMN Bio Farma menjadi salah satu negara produsen vaksin terbesar di dunia. Di lingkungan negara- negara Organisasi Kerja Sama Islam (OKI), Indonesia adalah leader(pemimpin) dalam produksi dan inovasi vaksin. “Inovasi vaksin tersebut dilakukan Bio Farma, “kata dokter perusahaan dari PT Bio Farma, Erwin Setiawan,saat berbicara pada seminar “Mengungkap Kontroversi Imunisasi untuk Generasi Lebih Sehat “ yang diselenggarakan Perhimpunan Profesi Kesehatan Muslim Indonesia (Prokami) Wilayah Sumatera Selatan (Sumsel).di Palembang, Ahad (12/4). Bio Farma jelas Erwin, adalah sebuah BUMN yang memproduksi vaksin. “seratus persen sahamnya milik Pemerintah Indonesia,” ujarnya. Saat ini, sebanyak 40 persen dari seluruh vaksin produksi Bio Farma digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri, sedangkan 60 persen , kata Erwin untuk memenuhi kebutuhan luar negeri atau ekspor. Atas prestasi tersebut, Bio Farma meraih penghargaan Primaniyarta dari pemerintah sebagai eksportir yang paling berprestasi sejak 2010 sampai 2014. “Pada 2014, ekspor vaksin produksi Bio Farma sudah mencakup 131 negara di dunia,” ujar Erwin. Negara-negara yang menjadi tujuan ekspor Bio Farma tersebar di berbagai benua.Di Benua Amerika 16 negara yang menjadi tujuan ekspor vaksin Bio Farma , Benua Eropa ada delapan negara, Asia 37 negara, Afrika ada 49 negara dan benua Australia serta Oseania sebanyak tujuh negara,” kata Erwin menerangkan. Bahkan, untuk vaksin polio, vaksin produksi Bio Farma menyuplai sebanyak dua per tiga kebutuhun vaksin polio dunia ,khususnya untuk negara-negara muslim. “karena itu, Bio Farma memiliki kontribusi besar dalam menurunkan kasus penyakit polio di dunia. Sebagai eksportir vaksin, Bio Farma akan meningkatkan jaringan kerja sama dengan berbagai lembaga pendidikan, dunia usaha, dan pemerintah . Tak terkecuali dengan Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) , Nahdlatul Ulama (MU) ,Muhammaddiyah, dan Aisiyah. Dalam memenuhi kebutuhan vaksin nasional dan Internasional , menurut Erwin, Biofarma juga selalu berkomitmen untuk mengembangkan vaksin halal, baik dari sisi bahan yang digunakan maupun proses pengolahannya. Komitmen Bio Farma untuk terus mengupayakan pengembangan vaksin halal juga disuarakan oleh Ahli Madya Marketing Bio Farma Mahsun Muhammadi. Ia mengatakan, Bio Farma mengupayakan proses pembuatan vaksin menjadi halal, mulai dari bahan baku, tahapan produksi, hingga menjadi produk vaksin. Ia menjelaskan, vaksin yang diproduksi Bio Farma sudah ditetapkan keamanan dan kehalalannya oleh Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) dan MUI. Hanya saja , menurutnya yang masih menjadi pertanyaan adalah vaksin polio. Mahsun mengakui, pada tahap awal produksi, vaksin polio memang menggunakan enzim tripsin dari babi. Namun, setelah melalui berbagai proses lanjutan, yaitu dilakukan pencucian dengan media-media cair tertentu hingga akhirnya produksi, produk akhir vaksin sudah tidak mengandung enzim tersebut. “Karena kalu mengandung enzim tersebut berarti rusak atau tidak mungkin. Enzim Tripsin disini hanya sebagai media, setelah itu enzim ini tidak akan terbawa lagi pada vaksin, “kata Mahsun dalam seminar awam bertema “ Pencegahan Penyakit Menular di Sekolah,” di depok, Jawa Barat, Sabtu (11/4). Meski demikian, Bio Farma terus berupaya melakukan pengembangan vaksin polio tersebut. Mahsun juga menegaskan , vaksin Produksi Bio Farma yang digunakan untuk imunisasi telah mendapat sertifikat lulus dari BPOM. Karena itu, masyarakat tidak perlu khawatir terkait isu yang beredar mengenai imunisasi dan vaksin. “Vaksin produksi Bio Farma telah melalui pengesahan dari pemerintah dan lembaga seperti MUI.” c73 ed : Wachidah Handasah Sumber : Republika
Maspril Aries Bio Farma continues to pursue the development of halal vaccines PALEMBANG - Indonesia through the State Owned Enterprise Bio Farma has become one of the world's largest vaccine manufacturers. In the environment of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) countries, Indonesia is the leader in production and innovation of vaccines. "Innovation of vaccines is carried by Bio Farma," said the company doctor of PT Bio Farma, Erwin Setiawan, while speaking at the seminar "Revealing Immunization Controversy To a Healthier Generation" organized by the Indonesian Muslim Health Professionals Association (Prokami) Region of South Sumatra. in Palembang, on Sunday (12/4). Bio Farma, said Erwin, is a State Owned Enterprise that produces vaccines. "One hundred percent of its shares is owned by the Government of Indonesia," he said. Currently, as many as 40 percent of the entire vaccine production of Bio Farma is used to meet domestic needs, while 60 percent, said Erwin is to meet the needs of overseas or exports. Of their achievement, Bio Farma was awarded Primaniyarta from the government as the most outstanding exporter since 2010 to 2014. "In 2014, exports of Bio Farma vaccine production already cover 131 countries in the world," said Erwin. Countries of the export destination of Bio Farma are scattered in various continents. In the American continent there are 16 countries as export destination of Bio Farma’s vaccines, European Continent eight countries, 37 Asian countries, 49 African countries and the continent of Australia and Oceania as many as seven countries," Erwin explained. In fact, for polio vaccines, Bio Farma’s vaccine production supplies as many as two-thirds of the world’s polio vaccine needs, particularly for Muslim countries. "Therefore, Bio Farma has a major contribution in reducing cases of polio in the world. As an exporter of vaccines, Bio Farma will increase its network of cooperation with various educational institutions, businesses, and governments. No exceptions to the Indonesian Council of Ulema (MUI), Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Muhammaddiyah, and Aisiyah. In meeting the needs of national and international vaccine, according to Erwin, Biofarma is always committed to the development of halal vaccines, both in terms of materials used and the manufacturing processes. Bio Farma's commitment to continue to pursue the development of halal vaccines was also voiced by Bio Farma’s Marketing Associate Expert Mahsun Muhammadi. He said, Bio Farma pursues the process of making the vaccine halal, starting from the raw materials, production stages, up to the finish product of vaccines. He explained that the vaccine produced by Bio Farma has been set of its safety and halalness by the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) and the MUI. However, according to him that is still questionable are the polio vaccines. Mahsun recognizes, at an early stage of production, the polio vaccine uses enzyme trypsin of swines. However, after going through a variety of advanced process, which is cleaned with certain liquid media until the end product of vaccine does not contain such enzyme. "Because if it does contain such enzyme it will then be damaged or impracticable. The Enzyme trypsin acts only as a medium, after which the enzyme does not settle in the vaccine,”said Mahsun in the seminar entitled "Prevention of Communicable Diseases in Schools," in Depok, West Java, Saturday (11/4). However, Bio Farma continues to strive to develop the polio vaccine. Mahsun also asserted, Production of Bio Farma vaccine used for immunization has obtained a certificate from BPOM. Therefore, the community should not worry regarding the outstanding issues related to immunization and vaccines. "Vaccine produced by Bio Farma has obtained the approval of the government and institutions such as MUI." c73 ed: Wachidah Handasah Source: Republika