Vaksin buat Indonesia dan Dunia
Negeri ini tidak cuma patut bangga atas pencapaian penelitian dan produksi vaksinnya, tapi juga pada mereka yang berimprovisasi di bidang imunisasi.
Suara tangis Alqorni Kaelion terdengar dari salah satu dari dua ruang praktik di bangunan unit yang bertuliskan "rumah vaksinasi" di depan pagarnya. Lebih dari 10 menit, bayi satu bulan itu diperiksa. Dokter yang mengimunisasi bayi pasangan Fia Sofia, 29, dan Erlangga Putra, 29, itu yang menyarankan Alqorni dibawa ke klinik di kawasan Keramat Jati, Jakarta Timur tersebut. "Kemarin di rumah vaksinasi yang dekat rumah, di Cempaka Putih, kami laporkan Alqorni terlihat membiru kalau menangis. Disarankan echo jantung." kata Fia. Fia yang warga twitter memang telah menjadi pelanggan rumah vaksinasi begitu Alqorni lahir. Ia merupakan salah satu follower akun twitter Piprim B Yanuarso. Dari media sosial itu pula, Fia mafhumtentang layanan imunisasi rumah vaksinasi yanng berjargon terjangkau dan berkualitas. ia tak perlu berjuang membelah lalulintas Jakarta karena rumah vaksinasi yang didirikan Piprim pada tahun 2012 kini telah berbiak menjadi 14, salah satunya di Cempaka putih. Layanan echo jantung yang berguna menapis kelainan jantung anak dikembangkan Piprim pada 2014 lagi-lagi untuk mengorting layanan kesehatan, yang bisa menghindarkan kecacatan, bahkan kematian anak itu. Saat ini echo baru tersediaa di rumah vaksinasi ynag dikelola Piprim di Kramat Jati, tetapi lewat kolaborasi dengan Ikatan Dokter Indonesiia (IDAI) tempat Piprim berorgannisasi di harapkan segera berbiak. Bermula dari twitter Seusai menuntaskan pemeriksaan pada Alqorni, Piprim membuka ruangan orakteknya dan berkisah tentang korelasi kompetensinya di kedokteran, media sosial,serta upayanya memintas banyak jalur. Piprim, yang ketika media Indonesia temui Rabu (3/9) pukul 10 malam itu akan pergi ke tanah suci lusanya, dengan runtun menceritakan kiprahnya. Pada 2012, kehebohan vaksin yang di tuding tak halal karena dibuat dari babi, serta bagian dari konspirasi Yahudi kian memanas." Saya merasa perlu urun dalam perang pro-kontra vaksin karena paham soal dalil-dalil agama sekaligus dunia kedokteran." Piprim yang kini punya follower 44 ribu di twitter tersentak ketika gerakan pro vaksinnya belum di idkuti akses pada imunisasi yang terjangkau. pengikutnya mengeluhkan vaksin yang disarankan, tetapi tak termasuk imunisasi wajib sehingga tak disubsidi, berharga mahal. "Ternyata alur yang ditempuh alur itu dapat di pangkas. Tak seperti obat yang kompleks, vaksin itu bisa dibeli langsung oleh doktre dari distributor resminya. Pemotongan jalur itu membuat vaksisn bisa lebih murah." Menyusul rumah vaksinasi yang didirikan dirumahnya, serta dioperasikannya bersama sang istri yang dokter umum. Piprim segera memperluas jaringan dengan mendirikan 14 lainnya. Semuanya dimiliki dokter umum yang menurut Piprim yang sebenarnya punya kompetensi buat mengimuniasasi tetapi fungsi itu terlanjur tak populer. Terkait kompetensinya sebagai ahli jantung anak, Piprim juga mendirikan Rumah Echo pada 2014." Saya bersama IDAI mendiidik dokter anak untuk mengoperasikan echo ini, lalu telemedicine melalui whatsapp melalui kardiolog anak yang jumlahnya di Indonesia hanya 50, padahal gangguan itu 10% Dukungan Bio Farma Langkah-langkah inovatifnya, terutama yang terkait dengan penyadaran pentingnya imunisasi, kata Piprim tak lepas dari dukungan PT. Bio Farma (persero), produsen vaksin Indonesia yang telah mengekspor vaksin ke 127 negara. Piprim bahkan pernah mengadakan mobile parenting class, menggunakan 4 bus dari Jakarta menuju Bandung, membahas kesehatan anak hingga kampanye vaksinasi di atas bus. "Bahkan Bill Gates, filantropica dunia itu membeli bulk, semacam baku vaksin, ke Bio Farma sebagai bentuk sumbangan sehingga vaksin itu bisa berharga murah. harapan saya dan kini memang tengah di kembangkan, vaksin-vaksin yang masih di impor bisa di produksi oleh bi farma. kata Piprim. Terkait kiprah Piprim, Edwin Garna Pringadi, kepala seksi hubungan internal/media relation PT. Bio Farma, mengungkapkan kampanye tentang pentingnya vaksin bukan hanya tanggung jawab pemerintah atau pihaknya sebagai satu-satunya produsen vaksin di Indonesia, melainkan juga individu atau organisasi yang berkompetan. "Masyarakat umum bisa mengunjungi Bio Farma untuk lebih mengenal industri vaksin," kata Edwin. Pencapaian Piprim, kata Edwin, menjadi bagian dari perjalanan Bio Farma yang kini telah memproduksi 11 jenis vaksin yang proses penelitiannya mencapai 10 hingga 20 tahun. "Kami salah satu dari 23 produsen vaksin yang memiliki pra kualifikasi dari World Health Organization (WHO) dari 200 produsen di dunia, " kata Edwin. Penelitan dan produksi vaksin Indonesia juara, begitu pula langkah para pengusung kampanyenya (M-3). BIODATA * Nama : dr Piprim B Yanuarso, SpA (K) * Twitter : @dr_piprim * Istri : dr Elsa Hufaidah, memiliki 6 anak * Pendidikan :
- Fellowship Kardiologi Anaka di Institut Jantung Negara, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2007
- Pendidikan Konsultan Dokter Anak FK Universitas Indonesia (2004)
- Spesialis Kedokteran Anak Universitas Indonesia (2002)
- Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran (1991)
* Pekerjaan :
- Dokter Spesialis Anak, konsultan jantung anak
- Pengajar di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia (FK-UI)-Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM)
- Mendirikan dan berpraktik di @rumahvaksinasi dan @RumahEcho
Sumber : Koran Media Indonesia, Senin, 29 September 2014
This country should not only be proud of the achievement of research and vaccine production, but also on those who improvise in the field of immunization. Alqorni Kaelion crying was heard from one of the two practice room in the building labelled with "vaccination home" in front of the fence. More than 10 minutes, the one month baby was examined. Doctors who immunize the baby of Fia Sofia, 29, and Erlangga Putra, 29 couple, suggested Alqorni brought to the clinic in Keramat Jati, East Jakarta. "Yesterday in the vaccination home near the house, in Cempaka Putih, we reported Alqorni looks blue when crying. It is suggested cardiac echo. "Fia said. Fia who has twitter account has become the vaccination home customers since Alqorni was born. He is one of the Piprim B Yanuarso twitter account followers. From that social media too, Fia understand about vaccination home immunization service which is affordable and qualified. He did not have to fight the traffic jam in Jakarta because the vaccination home founded by Piprim in 2012 now has 14 branches, one of them in Cempaka Putih. Cardiac echo service that is useful to filter the heart abnormalities in the children is developed by Piprim in 2014 again to cut the health services, which can prevent disability and even death of the child. Currently, a new echo is available in vaccination home administered by Piprim in Kramat Jati, but with the collaboration with Indonesia Medical Association (IDAI) the place Piprim organizing is expected soon developing. Beginning from twitter After completing the examination on Alqorni, Piprim open his practice room and tells about the correlation of competence in medical, social media, and its efforts to bypass a lot of lines. Piprim, in which, when the Indonesian media meet on Wednesday (3/9) at 10 pm will go to the holy land the day after that, with cascading tell their work. In 2012, the furore of vaccine which was in the blame that it was not proper because it was made from pork, as well as part of a Jewish conspiracy increasingly heated. "I think I need to contribute to the pros and cons of the war of vaccine since I understand about the religious arguments as well as the medical world.” Piprim which now has 44 thousand followers on twitter jerks when his pro-vaccine movement is not allowed by access to the affordable immunization. His followers complained vaccine which is recommended, but not including the mandatory immunization so as it is not subsidized, and high-priced. "Actually the flow path can be shorten. Unlike complex drugs, vaccines can be purchased directly by doktre from official distributors. The cutting of the track makes vaccine could be cheaper.” Following the vaccination home established in his house, as well as operated with his wife who is the general doctor. Piprim soon expand the network by setting up 14 others. Everything is owned by the general doctor which according to Piprim actually has competence for doing immunization but the functions are already unpopular. Relating to the competency as a pediatric cardiologist, Piprim also founded Echo Home in 2014. "I and IDAI trained the pediatrician to operate this echo, and telemedicine through whatsapp through the children cardiologists in Indonesia which the amount is only 50, whereas the disturbance is 10% Support for Bio Farma The innovative measures, particularly in relation to awareness of the importance of immunization, said Piprim, can not be separated from the support of PT. Bio Farma (Limited Liabality Company), the Indonesian vaccine manufacturers have been exporting vaccines to 127 countries. Piprim even has been held mobile parenting class, using 4 bus from Jakarta to Bandung, discussing the health of children through vaccination campaign on buses. "Even Bill Gates, the world filantropica buys bulk, a type of vaccine basis, to Bio Farma as a contribution so that vaccines can be lower-priced. My expectations and now indeed developed, vaccines which are still imported can be produced by Bio Farma, said Piprim. Related to the Piprim Prgress, Edwin Garna Pringadi, the head of section of internal relations / media relations of PT. Bio Farma, reveals the importance of the vaccine is not just the responsibility of government or his party as the only vaccine manufacturer in Indonesia, but also competence individuals or organizations. "The general public can visit Bio Farma to learn more about vaccine industry," said Edwin. Piprim Achievement, said Edwin, is a part of the journey of Bio Farma that now has produced 11 kinds of vaccine in which its research process reaches 10 to 20 years. "We're one of the 23 vaccine producers who have pre-qualified from the World Health Organization (WHO) from 200 manufacturers in the world," said Edwin. Research and production of vaccines of Indonesia is the champion, as well as the steps of the bearers of its campaign (M-3). BIODATA * Name : dr Piprim B Yanuarso, SpA (K) * Twitter : @dr_piprim * Wife : dr Elsa Hufaidah, has 6 children * Education :
- Fellowship in Cardiology at the National Heart Anaka State, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2007
- Education of Pediatric Consultant of Medical Faculty, University of Indonesia (2004)
- Specialist of Pediatrics, University of Indonesia (2002)
- Faculty of Medicine, Padjadjaran University (1991)
* Occupation :
- Pediatrician, consultant of pediatric cardiac
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FK-UI) -Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM)
- Establishing and practice in vaccination home and Echo Home
Source : Media Indonesia Newspaper, Monday, September 29, 2014