Our Health Service
Bio Farma Healthcare is an integrated service between promotive and preventive primary health services through vaccination services for both adults and children, early detection of disease through Medical Check-Up services, as well as curative health services.
Our Commitment to Public Health
Bio Farma's Clinical and Immunization Unit is here to meet the community's need for excellent, affordable, and comprehensive health services. Bio Farma's Clinic and Immunization Unit is an integrated service between primary health promotive services, prevention through vaccination services, and curative health services (treatment).
Imunicare is part of the Bio Farma Primary Clinic which provides reliable health services through vaccination services. Imunicare comes with expert officers, high product quality, service quality assurance, and provides informative consumer education so that it will provide a sense of calm for all of us.
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Services of Vaccination, Laboratories and Health

Immunization Schedule
Immunization & Clinic Unit (Operational Opening Hours & Registration Opening Hours):
(Monday - Friday) |
07.10 WIB - 16.10 WIB |
(Wednesday) |
08.00 WIB - 16.10 WIB (Measles) |
(Wednesday) |
08.00 WIB - 11.00 WIB |
(Monday) |
13.00 WIB - 16.10 WIB |
(Tuesday) |
07.10 WIB - 11.00 WIB |