Bivalent Type 1 & 3 Oral Poliomyelitis Vaccines
Vaccines for the prevention of poliomyelitis type 1 & 3 diseases.
- bOPV must only be administered orally. Two drops are delivered directly into the mouth from the multidose vial by dropper. Care should be taken not to contaminate a multidose dropper with saliva of the vaccinee.
- Once opened, multi-dose vials should be kept between +2°C to +8°C.
- Multi-dose vials of bOPV from which one or more doses of vaccine have been removed during an immunization session may be used in subsequent immunization session for up to a maximum of 4 weeks, provided that all of following conditions are met (as described in the WHO policy statement: The use of opened multi-dose vials in subsequent immunization sessions. WHO/V&B/00.09), see page 83.