The following is the Explanation of the Halal Certification Process regarding MR (Measles and Rubella) Vaccines:
The Halalness of vaccines are an important concern for Bio Farma Management.
Vaccines used in phase 1 and 2 MR immunization p...
Berikut 5 hal yang perlu kita ketahui mengenai Vaksin Measles Rubella (MR)
Virus Measles Rubella (MR) tengah menjadi pusat perhatian masyarakat Indonesia. Pemerintah pun sedang gencar-gencarnya melakukan kampanye imunisasi MR demi mencegah penyebaran penyakit ini.
Berikut 20 fakta mengenai virus MR :
Hepatitis B
Estimated 257 MILLION PEOPLE
INFECTED by Hepatitis B
It is a viral infection that attacks the liver and can cause acute or chronic diseases.
Caused by the hepatitis B virus that spreads through the blood and various bo...
In accordance with Strains
In accordance with Seroprotection
In accordance with Sosioreligius
Indonesian National Pride Products
Professional Cold Chain Handling
Vaccines are biological products that are very suscepti...
Wash hands, cover nose and mouth when sneezing with a tissue, use a mask.
Conducted by the Ministry of Health to monitor circulating influenza viruses
Influenza is a respiratory tract infection caused by influenza viruses.
What is the Influenza Virus?
RNA virus, Orthomyxoviridae group
Easy to mutate
Has various types: A, B, and C
Symptoms caused by type A are heavier than type B, while typ...