Bio Farma, trusted to Host Vaccine Management Workshop for Islamic Countries
BANDUNG, November 2016: Bio Farma, a state owned enterprise as an Indonesian Vaccine Manufacturer has been trusted by Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to host an Islamic Country Vaccine production workshop, to be held in Bandung on November 15th to 18th 2016.
This workshop attended by participants from Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member countries, there are more than 30 participants from Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Turkey, Malaysia, Iran, Egypt, Bangladesh.
According to Mr. Rahman, Corporate Secretary of Bio Farma, “we would tie synergy with other stakeholders in order to make the workshop successful, among others are the Ministry of State Secretary as a member of National Coordination Team for South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC), the Ministry of Healh, and NADFC – National Agency for Drug & Food Control of Indonesia, The Indonesian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (ITAGI), the World Health Organization and Bio Farma as speakers. "This vaccine production workshop will also have a discussion on the methods required to produce a safety, quality and efficacy of vaccine" said Mr. Rahman. A number of sessions will discuss issues related to self-reliance of vaccine. In addition, at the end of the event will be conducted field visits to see directly the production process, research and development, and Bio Farma’s vaccine production facilities, as well as session to introduce the potential of Indonesia biodiversity. Rika Kiswardani, Head of Bureau of Technical Cooperation, said that The Ministry of State Secretary stated support this program, through Indonesian capacity promotion in vaccine production to OIC countries, it is expected that Indonesia's vaccine industry are able to be marketed massively around the world as well as drive the development of Islamic countries. "In the end, this workshop is expected to generate ideas for transforming and building self-reliance of Islamic countries in producing the vaccine and its use for human health and usefull." she said. "Because Indonesia through Bio Farma is mandated the responsibility as a center of excellence in vaccines production and this role has been long performed by the company,"
Bio Farma has been trusted because the company has the expertise and experience in producing vaccines for more than 126 years. Many Bio Farma products have World Health Organization (WHO) prequalification and are procured by United Nations agencies for use globally.
***-*** About Bio Farma
Bio Farma, a state owned enterprise that produces Vaccines and Anticera, is currently transform into Life Science Company. Established on August 6, 1890, Bio Farma has contributed in enhancing the welfare of the community, both in Indonesia in Indonesia and other countries, for more than 126 years. More than 130 countries use products from Bio Farma, especially developing countries and 47 of those countries are members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. With more than two billions production capacity per year, Bio Farma succeeded in fulfilling the demand of vaccines in Indonesia, and through WHO and UNICEF, in the world as well. Based on the philosophy of Dedicated to Improve Quality of Life, Bio Farma has been very active in improving the availability and independence of vaccines producing in developing and Islamic countries in order to maintain the safety of Global Health Security. Further information
For further information, please contact:N. Nurlaela AriefHead of Corporate Communications Dept.Email : FarmaJl. Pasteur No. 28 BandungTelp : 62 22 2033755Fax : 62 22 2041306