This service is an online service facility for applicants of public information as a form of implementation of public information disclosure in Bio Farma.
List of Public Information that Must Be Provided Periodically
- Annual Report
- Information about the profile of PT Bio Farma
- Company Performance Report for the last 5 (five) years
- Information and Procedures for Obtaining Public Information
- Information on Procurement of Goods and Services
Immediate Information
- Information on the handling of industrial and medical waste in terms of regulations, licensing, certification and process flow
- Awards
- Vaccine product description information
Information that must be available at all times
- Company profile
- Company activities
- BODAn and Dekom Remuneration
- Mechanism for determining the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners in accordance with applicable regulations
- Company GCG Guidelines
- Change of accountant auditing the company
- Change in the company's fiscal year
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Kegiatan Perusahaan
Mekanisme Penetapan Dewan Komisaris
Peraturan, Keputusan & Kebijakan
Proses produksi vaksin Bio Farma dilakukan melalui proses yang ketat, dan berstandar tinggi. Diawali dengan penyediaan bahan baku, yang berasal dari rekanan yang memiliki kualifikasi tertentu, fasilitas produksi yang harus tervalidasi baik dari alat dan penunjang lainnya, hingga fasilitas penyimpanan barang jadi dan proses distribusi yang dimonitor ketat agar tetap memenuhi faktor kualitas, keamanan, dan efektivitas yang konsisten.
Pengiriman Produk
Berlin, Germany, and Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, October 2th, 2015. ProBioGen AG and Bio Farma signed an agreement for the development of a biosimilar Trastuzumab for cancer treatment. The goal of the co-operation is the supply of the Indonesian patients with cost-effective high quality biopharmaceuticals. Under the terms of the agreement ProBioGen will develop a highly efficient manufacturing process based on a specifically designed recombinant CHO-cell line, conduct engineering runs and the industrial scale-up.
The turn-key process, including state-of-the-art analytics, will then be transferred to Indonesia to enable local market production. The agreement is fee-for-service based, license and royalty-free.
Dr. Wieland Wolf, ProBioGen’s CEO commented: “This is the 1st Trastuzumab molecule which will be produced locally for the Indonesian market to provide affordable innovative medicines for a country of 250 million people. We are proud to be a partner of the well-established and experienced Bio Farma, a government company with a successful history of more than 120 years.”
Dr. Gabriele Schneider, Vice President Business Development of ProBioGen added: “The task to develop high-quality therapeutic proteins with high productivity but low commercial-scale production costs fits very well to our passion for developing intelligent biopharmaceutical solutions, based on our in-house CHO manufacturing platform of adapted cells, robust and economical process development know-how and chemically defined media platform.”
Dr. Iskandar, President Director of Bio Farma stated “Bio Farma is proud to be collaborating with ProBioGen, this collaboration will undoubtedly enhance our vision to enter lifescience industry, where in future it will contribute in producing high-quality biopharmaceuticals particulary for the Indonesian people and others in the world,”
About ProBioGen AG –
ProBioGen is a specialist for developing and manufacturing complex therapeutic glycoproteins.
Combining both state-of-the-art development platforms together with intelligent product-specific technologies yields biologics with optimized properties.
Rapid and integrated cell line and process development, comprehensive analytical development and following reliable GMP manufacturing is performed by a highly skilled and experienced team.
All services and technologies are embedded in a total quality management system to assure compliance with international ISO and GMP standards (EMA/FDA).
ProBioGen was founded 1994, is privately owned, and located in Berlin, Germany.
About PT Bio Farma –
Bio Farma is a state-owned vaccine and immunosera manufacturer in Indonesia and plays a vital role in supporting the National Immunization Program. All vaccines needed by the Government are supplied by Bio Farma. The company has an extensive and strong major goal to responsibly endure its high quality vaccine production whilst holding the awareness to persistently develop a green industry by covering all the aspects of the green industry’s activities.Bio Farma was established in 1890 and throughout its long history, the company has gone a long way since its existence to become one of the renowned WHO Prequalified vaccine manufacturers in the world. Bio Farma’s products are exported to numerous countries both bilaterally as well as to UN Agencies. Bio Farma plays an active role in various international organizations such as WHO, International Vaccine Institute, DCVMN, GAVI and Self Reliance in Vaccine Production- in OIC. In order to acheive more breakthroughs ahead, the company commits to be actively engaged in research and product development activities , both independently or collaborating with prominant partners. This activity will ultimately give rise to new innovative products based on new technology platform.
Contact ProBioGen: Dr. Gabriele Schneider VP Business Development ProBioGen AG Goethestr. 54 13086 Berlin, Germany Phone: +49 (0)30 924 006-0 Email: Contact PT Bio Farma: M. Rahman Rustan Corporate Secretary Bio Farma Jl. Pasteur No. 28 Bandung 40161 Indonesia Phone: +62 22 2033755 Email: Web:
Selama tahun 2014, tidak terdapat perkara penting yang sedang dihadapi oleh Perusahaan, anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris yang menjabat pada periode laporan tahunan, baik permasalahan hukum perdata maupun pidana. Dengan demikian tidak ada dampak terhadap kondisi keuangan dan operasional Perusahaan.
Hal ini menunjukkan ketaatan dan kepatuhan anggota Direksi dan anggota Dewan Komisaris terhadap segala peraturan yang berhubungan dengan pengelolaan Perusahaan serta komitmen manajemen untuk menegakkan prinsip tata kelola yang baik.
Sanksi Administrasi
Selama tahun 2014, tidak terdapat sanksi administrasi dari regulator yang dikenakan kepada Perusahaan, anggota Dewan Komisaris, dan anggota Direksi.
Transaksi yang Mengandung Benturan Kepentingan
Selama tahun 2014, tidak terdapat transaksi yang mengandung benturan kepentingan yang dapat merugikan Perusahaan.
Laporan Keuangan 2014 Download PDF
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Aspek Pemasaran
Sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak di Bidang Produsen Vaksin dan Antisera, Bio Farma menghasilkan produk yang ditujukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasar sektor ekspor, swasta dan Pemerintah.
Strategi Pemasaran
Untuk mendukung pencapaian target penjualan, perusahaan menjalankan strategi mempertahankan pasar yang sudah ada dan memperluas pasar baru untuk meningkatkan pemasaran produk yang sudah dikenal maupun produk baru, membina dan membangun kemitraan yang lebih strategis melalui face to face meeting dengan customer sehingga dapat mengetahui secara langsung keinginan customer (customer oriented) dan kebutuhan pasar secara global, mengikuti tender- tender vaksin yang diselenggarakan oleh suatu negara maupun organisasi internasional, serta melakukan registrasi produk baru secara selektif dengan terlebih dahulu melakukan evaluasi terhadap potensi pasar di negara tujuan ekspor.
Pangsa Pasar
Dalam Negeri
- Sektor Pemerintah
Melayani kebutuhan pemerintah untuk program imunisasi nasional di Indonesia.
- Sektor Swasta
Melayani kebutuhan produk diluar program imunisasi nasional melalui distributor dalam negeri.
Luar Negeri
- Sektor Ekspor Institusi
Suplai vaksin melalui institusi seperti Badan Kesehatan Dunia - World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, PAHO untuk memenuhi kebutuhan vaksin bagi negara-negara berkembang untuk program imunisasi.
- Sektor Ekspor Umum
Melayani kebutuhan produk diluar program imunisasi nasional melalui distributor dalam negeri.