This service is an online service facility for applicants of public information as a form of implementation of public information disclosure at Bio Farma.

Request for Public Information Data
As part of Public Information Disclosure, Bio Farma also provides special requests if the public needs more comprehensive data. And we realize that the high mobility of the community sometimes makes it difficult to attend in person, so Bio Farma provides a special form to facilitate requests for Public Information. In addition, as support for sustainable paper reduction, this form allows the public to obtain Public Information in the form of E-Paper.
Please enter the data truthfully in the column below to get Public Information in E-Paper Format, which will be sent via Email (E-Mail).
Bio Farma senantiasa memberikan kemudahan bagi stakeholder untuk mengakses informasi dan data Perusahaan melalui telepon, website (dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris), media massa, mailing list, buletin, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, dan Layanan Contact Center.
Melihat kondisi pandemi seperti saat ini, dalam memberikan layanan informasi kepada pemohon informasi PPID memberikan kemudahan untuk memberikan Layanan Informasi dan Data Perusahaan melalui email : /website :
Waktu Pelayanan Informasi Publik
Hari : Senin – Jumat
Waktu : 09.00 – 15.00
Segala permohonan dan pengajuan Informasi Publik tidak dipungut biaya.