Good Corporate Governance
In order to build good corporate governance, the Company shall have a commitment, consistent, and persistent from all relevant parties, i.e : all management levels, Employees, Board of Commissioners, Government and other Stakeholders.
- Good Corporate Governance
- Quality Assurance Control
- Responsibilty to Customer
- Corporate Governance Implementation Process
- Gratification Control Process
- Process of Whistle Blowing System
- Guidelines for The Board of Commisioner and Director
- Biofarma Code of Conduct
- Guidelines for Handling Conflict of Interest
- Charter
- Risk Management
- Directors Guidelines
- Audit Committee
- Development Risk and GCG Committee
- Superior Performance Assessment Criteria
To achieve the Company's goals in the long term, the implementation of GCG must be based on high integrity and a code of conduct is needed that can serve as a reference for the Company's organs and all Bio Farma personnel in applying values and business ethics so that they become part of the Company's culture.
The Code of Conduct is regulated in the Joint Regulation of the Board of Commissioners and Directors of PT Bio Farma (Persero) Number: KEP-06/DK/BF/04/2021; Number: PER-003.01/DIR/IV/2021 dated April 1, 2021 concerning the Code of Conduct.

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Bio Farma's Principles for the Implementation of the Code of Ethics (Code of Conduct)
- Corporate Values that describe the Company's moral attitude in conducting its business.
- To be able to realize the moral attitude in the implementation of its business, Bio Farma already has a formulation of business ethics agreed upon by the Company's organs and Bio Farma's people. The continuous implementation of business ethics forms the Company's culture which is a manifestation of the Company's values.
- The values and formulation of the Company's business ethics are outlined and described in the code of conduct so that they can be understood and applied.
Business ethics is a reference for the Company in carrying out business activities including in interacting with stakeholders. Continuous implementation of the Company's values and business ethics supports the creation of the Company's culture. Each Company must have a formulation of business ethics that is mutually agreed upon and further elaborated in the code of conduct.
- To describe values and ethical standards that are in line with the Company's Vision and Mission.
- As a behavioral guide for Bio Farma personnel in carrying out their duties professionally and responsibly.
- As a guide for Bio Farma personnel to avoid conflicts of interest in carrying out all Company activities.
- As a guide for Bio Farma personnel in interacting with other parties for the benefit of the Company based on sound and ethical corporate principles.
Standards of behavior applied by the Company in interacting and dealing with stakeholders.
Standards of behavior in carrying out work and in interacting
For the dissemination of the Code of Conduct, Bio Farma does so by socializing the Code of Conduct to provide understanding and awareness for all Bio Farma personnel that the importance of implementing this Code of Conduct.
Socialization of the Code of Conduct is carried out in the following manner:
- Every Bio Farma employee signs an integrity pact periodically every year which is a commitment of Bio Farma employees to implement the Code of Conduct of PT Bio Farma (Persero);
- Management provides understanding and awareness to the workforce to implement the Code of Conduct through socialization events held face-to-face with the entire workforce at least once a year;
- Through website, e-mail, GCG application in, animated videos, banners and posters;
- Periodic distribution of questionnaires every year.
Sanctions for violations of this Joint Regulation of the Board of Commissioners and Directors are regulated as follows:
- Bio Farma employees who are proven to have committed violations will be sanctioned in accordance with the applicable Collective Labor Agreement (CLA) and disciplinary regulations and work rules that apply in the Company. If it is related to a criminal offense, it can be forwarded to the authorities;
- Sanctions are given by the HR Division to workers who commit violations in accordance with the Collective Labor Agreement (CLA) and disciplinary rules and work discipline applicable in the Company;
- Sanctions for Supporting Organs of the Board of Commissioners who commit violations are determined by the Board of Commissioners;
- Sanctions for Directors and Board of Commissioners who commit violations are determined by the Shareholders;
- If a Supplier, Business Partner or other Stakeholder commits a violation, it will be subject to the provisions as stated in the contract and relevant Company procedures, and if related to criminal offenses, it can be forwarded to the authorities.
The Compliance & Risk Management Division conducts monitoring and evaluation through:
- Measurement of the understanding of Bio Farma personnel in implementing the Code of Conduct in their respective work areas;
- Assessment of Good Corporate Governance which is carried out periodically.
Reporting is conducted periodically to the President Director and President Commissioner as part of supervision and advice on the implementation of GCG in the Company.