Good Corporate Governance
In order to build good corporate governance, the Company shall have a commitment, consistent, and persistent from all relevant parties, i.e : all management levels, Employees, Board of Commissioners, Government and other Stakeholders.
- Good Corporate Governance
- Quality Assurance Control
- Responsibilty to Customer
- Corporate Governance Implementation Process
- Gratification Control Process
- Process of Whistle Blowing System
- Guidelines for The Board of Commisioner and Director
- Biofarma Code of Conduct
- Guidelines for Handling Conflict of Interest
- Charter
- Risk Management
- Directors Guidelines
- Audit Committee
- Development Risk and GCG Committee
- Superior Performance Assessment Criteria
The Whistleblowing System is regulated in the Joint Regulation of the Board of Commissioners and Directors of PT Bio Farma (Persero) Number: PER-08/DK/BF/12/2018; Number: PER-06965/DIR/XII/2018 dated December 31, 2018 concerning the Code of Conduct.
Whistleblowers can report online through a web-based system with the address
The mechanism for reporting violations (Whistleblowing System) is as follows:
In the event of a violation of the Code of Conduct, Bio Farma personnel are obliged to report to:
- The immediate superior concerned where each superior is obliged to give full attention to the report of Bio Farma personnel who are subordinates and try to resolve it thoroughly in accordance with the applicable provisions in the Company. If a Bio Farma Personnel is unable to report to his/her immediate superior due to a Conflict of Interest with his/her superior, he/she may discuss the matter with the following parties:
- The superior of the direct supervisor concerned;
- HR Division;
- Compliance & Risk Management Division; or
- Labor Union;
- Whistleblowing System.
In addition to internal parties of the Company, the Whistleblowing System can also be carried out by external parties of the Company such as Customers, Business Partners, and other Stakeholders.
Reporting must be done in good faith and not based on bad will / slander.
Whistleblowers in submitting Whistleblowing can include personal data identity containing home / office address, e-mail address, facsimile, contact number that can be contacted or may not include personal data (anonymous);
Reporting must be accompanied by supporting evidence, including:
- The subject matter of the complaint;
- Parties involved in the violations complained of, including those who were harmed/benefited from the case;
- Chronology of the case; and
- Other supporting documents for the case.
The Company provides protection to whistleblowers as follows:
Protection of confidentiality of the Whistleblower's identity;
- Protection of the confidentiality of the Whistleblower's identity;
- Protection against retaliation from the reported party;
- Protection from dismissal, demotion or band, delayed
promotion, pressure, and physical action;
- Protection of adverse records in their personal data files (personal file records);
- Information regarding the follow-up process that is being carried out (to Whistleblowers who provide personal data). This information is delivered confidentially to the Whistleblower.
- The implementation of verification by the whistleblowing manager is carried out within 30 (thirty) working days and can be extended for a maximum of the next 30 (thirty) working days.
- The implementation of the investigation by the Investigation Team on the violation reporting received is carried out within 30 (thirty) working days and can be extended for a maximum of the next 30 (thirty) working days.
For reporters who clearly state their personal data, the reporter will receive information regarding the handling of the case they reported, whether it can be followed up or not.