Melawan Dominasi Farmasi India dan Cina
Spirit kemandirian produksi vaksin yang menggelora pada Bio Farma tak luput dari ancaman competitor. Akreditasi dari organisasi kesehatan dunia (WHO) tidak lantas membuat Bio Farma duduk manis. Indonesia melalui Bio Farma bercita-cita ingin menguasai teknologi yang mendasar dalam memproduksi vaksin. Direktur Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Bio Farma, Drh. Sugeng Suharso MM mengakui, tantangan ekspor vaksin dalam beberapa tahun kedepan semakin ketat. Pihaknya membutuhkan inovasi dalam meluncurkan produk vaksin baru melalui Direktorat Riset dan Pengembangan. “Cina dan India menjadi pesaing terberat. Mereka telah mengantongi pra-kualifikasi dari WHO dan siap menyediakan vaksin dengan harga murah”, katanya di sela Forum Riset Vaksin Nasional (FRVN) ke-4 di Grand Hyatt, Jakarta, Selasa (19/8). Direktur utama Bio Farma Drs. Iskandar, Apt., MM. mengakui, industri farmasi Indonesia selama ini berada di zona nyaman, karena selalu dipasok kedua Negara tersebut. Namun, lanjutnya, efek jangka panjangnya justru membelenggu para pelaku industri obat. Sebab, selalu mengimpor bahan bakunya. Faktor penghambat itulah yang coba dihalau oleh Bio Farma. Dalam menghadapinya, Badan Usaha Milik Negara ini berani berinvestasi besar untuk kegiatan riset vaksin, Iskandar sadar, kendati butuh 10-20 tahun lagi dalam melahirkan sebuah vaksin baru, namun jalan untuk merdeka di industry farmasi mulai terbuka dengan konsorsium periset vaksin. Bio Farma mengamil langkah untuk mempelajari teknologi platform technology melalui teknik konjunggasi dan rekombinan. Penguasaan riset terhadap kedua teknik ini diyakini bisa menjadi kunci produksi obat komersil dan vaksin. Walhasil, saat ini vaksin yang beredar di masyarakat telah mempunyai keamanan dengan menggunakan standar kualitas internasional. Sehingga mampu meningkatkan kekebalan yang lebih baik dan mampu bertahan dalam jangka waktu lebih lama. “Produk bukanlah yang terpenting, tapi yang harus dikuasasi adalah teknologinya. Dengan begitu, maka kami bisa merebut industry, meski saat ini prosesnya mesih level prototype”, cetus Iskandar. Sinergi ABG (Academic, Business, dan Government) untuk mempercepat proses produksi pun turut menjadi penunjanganya. Staf ahli Kemenristek RI Prof. Broto Kardono mengakui perlu adannya peningkatan disektor penguasaan teknologi farmasi. “10 tahun terakhir, perkembangan vaksin mengalami kemajuan yang sangat pesat. Bio Farma telah melakukan ini inovasi melalui sinergi ABG”, Kata Broto. Ke depan, proses produksi vaksin masa depan diharapkan dapat memproduksi vaksin yang aman, tahan lama, berkurangnya efek samping yang ditimbulkan, antigen yang tepat, adjuvant yang aman, memiliki protein aktif, dan menggunakan DNA rekombinan. (Sumber: Republika, 20 Agustus 2014)
Spirit of vaccine production Self-Reliance which is surging on Bio Farma can not be separated from the threat of competitors. Accreditation from the World Health Organization (WHO) does not necessarily make Bio Farma satisfied. Indonesia through Bio Farma desires to master the fundamental technology in producing vaccines. Director of Planning and Development of Bio Farma, Drh. Sugeng Suharso MM acknowledge, the challenge of vaccine exports in the next few years is more and more stringent. It requires innovation in launching the new vaccines product through the Directorate of Research and Development. "China and India is the potential competitors. They have won the pre-qualification from WHO and ready to provide the vaccine at a low price ", he said on the 4th National Vaccine Research Forum (FRVN) in Grand Hyatt, Jakarta, Tuesday (19/8). The president director Bio Farma Drs. Iskandar, Apt., MM. acknowledged, the Indonesian pharmaceutical industry has been in a comfort zone, since it is always supplied by the said two countries. However, he continued, long-term effects even imprison the practicioner of the drug industry. Since, they always import the raw material. The said inhibiting factor that is trying to be driven by Bio Farma. To face it, this state-owned enterprises dared to invest much for the vaccine research activities, Iskandar realizes that, although it took 10-20 years in generating a new vaccine, but the road to Self-Reliance in the pharmaceutical industry began to open with a consortium of vaccine researchers. Bio Farma actually take steps to learn the technology of platform through the conjunction and recombinant techniques. Mastery of research on these two techniques are believed to be the production key of commercial drug and vaccine. As a result, the vaccine which is currently circulating in the community has had security by using international quality standards. So as to enhance the better immunity and able to survive in the longer term. "The product is not the most important thing, but the one that should be mastered is its technology. By doing so, we can seize the industry, although this time the process is still in prototype level, "said Iskandar. The synergy of ABG (Academic, Business, and Government) to speed up the production process also contributed to ita suporters.. The experts staff of the Ministry of Research and Technology Prof. Broto Kardono acknowledges that it is necessary the increase of mastery sector of pharmaceutical technology. "The last 10 years, the development of vaccines is progressing very rapidly. Bio Farma has done this innovation through the ABG synergy", Broto said. In the future, the future vaccine production process is expected to produce the vaccine which is safe, durable, reduced side effects, appropriate antigens, safe adjuvants, have an active protein, and using the recombinant DNA. (Source: Republika, August 20, 2014)